Page 4 - Curriculum guide for web 19-20 Final
P. 4
Year 9,10 and 11
Current Year 11 Throughout Years 9 to 11,
students have the opportunity to
The majority of students in Year 11 follow a 10 GCSE pathway. This model allows focus in on their main interests
for a wide range of subjects to be chosen in addition to the Core compulsory allowing them to excel and study
subjects. On a fortnightly timetable, the hours comprise: these subjects in greater depth.
Ivybridge learners will continue to
Subject One-hour lessons build on prior knowledge and
per fortnight understanding, maintaining a
strong academic core, whilst
English 9 “The teachers were so supportive ensuring that all curriculum
Mathematics 8 when choosing options. The routes are ambitious for all
Biology 3* information booklet was very students.
Chemistry 3* helpful, it guided me in the right
Physics 3* direction and helped me to make All students must follow the
Physical Education 3 the right decisions.” Core Subjects:
RE Via CPSHE Mathematics (a course which
Guided Subject 1 4 Kourtney, Year 9 covers all aspects of
Guided Subject 2 4 Mathematics at either Higher or
Guided Subject 3 4 Foundation tier)
Guided Subject 4 4 English (Language and
Guided Subject 5 4 Literature courses)
CPSHE 1 Science (Separate Sciences or
Combined options are available),
*Students wishing to take Separate along with CPShE and Physical
Sciences also have an additional 4 lessons Education (Core PE).
via one of their Guided Subjects.
Students can then choose from
Current Year 9 and 10 our Guided Subjects to
complete their programme of
In Year 9 and 10, students follow a 9 GCSE pathway. This change facilitates an extra study. Students are provided
hour of lessons per fortnight for each of the Option subjects (outside of Maths, with thorough advice and
English, Science and Core PE). This extra hour allows subject teachers to teach to guidance when making their
greater depth and explore the subject to the greater level of knowledge needed for Guided Subject choices.
and beyond the new 9-1 GCSE specifications. We believe that this will further foster
students’ love of learning and prepare them with not only the knowledge, but skills The Curriculum structure is
and resilience needed for further study and careers. then developed and reviewed
each year to meet student
needs and requests.