Page 29 - Spring 2020 Echo for website
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Sport 27

Students Selected for Girls Win Gold in National
U18 County Tennis                                Junior Indoor Rowing

The College is delighted to announce that        In February, Year 13 student, Phoebe Lansley, and Year 12
Leighton Starkie, in Year 10, Grace Kellett, in  student, Freya Waters, competed in the National Junior
Year 11, and Joe Kellett, in Year 13, have all   Indoor Rowing Championships. This was held at the Copper
been selected for the Devon U18 County           Box Arena, a multi-sport venue, located in the Queen
Tennis Teams.                                    Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.
With tough competition the students have
successfully been selected as being              Phoebe and Freya competed in a team of eight girls, against
amongst the top eight players in the county.     teams from all over the country in a Relay Sprint race.
The U18 Team is the pinnacle of junior tennis    The team won the Gold medal in this event, setting a new
within Devon and other counties, and             time record of 16 minutes and 19 seconds, and beating the
selection is always fierce. They will travel     second place team by almost 200 metres.
with the team to compete in this year’s
County Cup competition over a 4 day              Freya said, “Our club, the Plymouth Amateur Rowing Club,
period. We wish them every success in the        has won the Girls’ Relay Race four years in a row now. This is
forthcoming competitions.                        due to our immense training effort and ability to work
                                                 together in swift changeovers and motivating each other to
                                                 push ourselves for the trophy.”

Emily Competes in Winter Nationals                                              Phoebe commented, “As the oldest
                                                                                member of the team, I have seen how the
                                           Emily Morgan-Hughes, in Year 11      team has changed over the years and I
                                           competed in the Swim England         can still say that we’re as determined to be
                                           Winter Nationals, in Sheffield last  on the top podium as we were the first time
                                           term.                                we picked up the handle to race the boat
                                           Emily said, “I competed in the       race.”
                                           Open Women’s 200m Breaststroke.
                                           Although I didn’t get a personal
                                           best time I came 5th in my age
                                           group. This competition is
                                           extremely competitive as I am not
                                           racing against my age group; I am
                                           racing people much older and
                                           stronger than me. I am very
                                           pleased with my performance
                                           and I thoroughly enjoyed my swim
                                           and my time in Sheffield.”
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