Page 2 - Summer 2020 Echo final draft lower res
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College News                             1

News                                     2-5

Character education                      6-9

Photograph Collages 10-11

home learning                            12-13

educare Activities                       14-15

last Day Celebrations 16-17

Year 6 to 7 Transition 18-19

Sporting Achievements 20-23

World Class Schools                      24

For more information on any
of the news articles please
go to our website:

Welcome to Ivybridge Community College

            Welcome the latest online only edition of The College echo.
            Phew! What a year and what extraordinary circumstances we have all had to live in during these last few
            months and for our students and the College, we have had to adapt very quickly to a new blended form of
            May I sincerely thank all of the students, parents and staff who have played their unique part in ensuring that
            our children have been able to continue their studies in these very testing times and I wish to assure you that
            we do not underestimate the difficulties, frustrations and endeavours that have been made by all, to enable
            your children’s education to continue, even in a very different format.
            Although, we have greatly missed all of our students, (which I hope is reflected in the video available to
            watch on the website), we were delighted and excited to see Years 10 and 12 return in June, albeit on a
            partial return. Consequently, our high attendance figures, which are the best in the WeST, are a true
            reflection of our students’ commitment to their educational studies and parents’ trust in the measures put in
            place to protect our community from COVID 19.
            We have continued to celebrate and keep us all connected via our good news stories, with the wonderful
            and amazing things that the students have undertaken during this time, which is a reflection of their
            determination to help others, by showing their tolerance, courage and resilience: key virtues that we all
            aspire to have and demonstrate in our daily lives. Therefore, I would like to draw your attention to an open
            letter written by george, head Boy in Year 12, who felt compelled to reach out to his fellow students. his
            letter can be read in full, via a link, in this edition.
            Plans are already fully underway for our September return, where we will be delighted to welcome back a
            full complement of students, especially including our new Year 7. We will continue to communicate with you
            regularly by newsletters and on our website, with regard to the ongoing matters and directives from the
            I would like to take this opportunity to inform you all that gill Taylor, Deputy Principal, has taken the decision
            to retire and will leave the College at the end of this summer term. gill has taught for 38 years and has given
            magnificent service to the College and its students over the past 24 years and her unique DNA has meant
            that the students have always been at the heart of everything she has done. This has been shown in her
            teaching work with the Student Voice and the World Class Schools. gill will greatly missed by everyone at
            the College and I wish her health and happiness for the future.
            have a well-deserved summer break and I hope that you and your family remain well, safe, and happy. We
            greatly look forward to the autumn term.
            Very best wishes
            Rachel Hutchinson

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