Page 23 - Summer 2020 Echo final draft lower res
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Devon Virtual games                                         National School Sports

It’s been the Devon Summer School games with a twist        Week 2020
this year, as all competitions have been virtual!
There have been competitions and challenges suitable for    During June, the UK-wide campaign gave
everyone! There have been certificates, medals and prizes   families, communities, schools and sports
to win, and prizes for schools with the highest percentage  clubs the chance to capture the enjoyment,
of entries.                                                 competition and camaraderie they have
                                                            been missing out on during weeks of school
                                                            closures and social distancing.

                                                            Youth Sport Trust and Sky Sports helped
                                                            young people and families up and down
                                                            the country engage in a week of virtual
                                                            sporting challenges.

                                                            Our students were set their Sporting
                                                            Challenges for the week and logged into
                                                            epraise for all the details and a student log
                                                            to complete!

College Sporting Achievements 21

Students keeping active                                     Virtual enrichment Week

Staff and students at the College have been working         Our planned enrichment Week may have been
hard to stay motivated, keep active, and inspire            put on hold, but that was no reason for students to
others, so please find on our College website a few         miss out on a whole host of activities that can give
videos including the Football Academy's 'Claps for our      new experiences, extend learning, develop an
Carers', celebrating girls' Football and the gymnastics     appreciation for cultural issues and bring some fun
Academy. We've also been setting daily challenges,          to College life.
running live online fitness sessions and issuing students   We may not have been able to run a physical
with physical activity resources.                           enrichment Week, but there was still the
                                                            opportunity for every Ivybridge student to get
    Ivybridge Community College Football Academy            involved in activities that enhance their learning.
                         'Claps for our Carers'             An electronic enrichment line-up was produced
                                                            to keep students motivated and develop their
The College's Years 7 and 8 Academy Footballers,            characters beyond the classroom.
along with their coaching staff, put together a tribute     Thank you to all staff and students for their support
to those key workers who continue to put their lives at     in organising enrichment Week. That initial
risk whilst showcasing the talents and supportive           preparation and commitment will not go to waste
nature of our students, raising the profile of Football at  - it will help us ensure that when the week does go
the College.                                                ahead in the next academic year it is even more
                                                            successful than ever.
           girls' Footballers take the opportunity to
                    promote the growing sport               Virtual Sports Day

Our young girls' footballers have put together a video      The Pe Department held an exciting virtual sports
to promote the ever-growing sport of girls' football. All   week for the students. The Challenges focussed
players have been refining their individual skills during   on 5 different sporting events reflecting our usual
lockdown. The College has teams at Under 13,14,15           Sports Day. Students could access all challenges
and Under 16 level.                                         set out by the Pe Department on epraise and
                                                            take part in 5 events across the week to earn
       gymnastics Academy - Toilet Roll Challenge           points for their tutor groups by taking part in the
The gymnastics Academy joined the 'Toilet Roll              following events:
Challenge' that has rolled out across the country! A        20 x 5m Shuttle Runs
lovely way to celebrate keeping active and staying          Standing long Jump
at home with our families.                                  Vertical Jump
                                                            Speed Bounce             Target Throw

                                                            Medals and Certificates will be awarded on the
                                                            return to College in September.
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