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Ivybridge learners will continue to build on prior knowledge and understanding, maintaining a strong academic core, whilst Ivybridge learners will progress Ivybridge learners successfully
ensuring that all curriculum routes are ambitious for all students. At this stage, students have the opportunity to strengthen from Year 11 to the next stage advance to a number of higher
their curriculum across a wider choice of diverse disciplines which gives then the opportunity to focus on their main interests, of their learning journey in education and employment
enabling them to excel. preparation for higher routes.
Students will be able to develop the knowledge and skills needed to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and education and later
experiences in later life. employment.
Programme of Study
• GCSE English language • Full-time study at Ivybridge • Higher education
• GCSE English literature Sixth Form • Further education
• GCSE Mathematics • An apprenticeship with a • Advanced apprenticeships
• GCSE Science Combined Science (equivalent to 2 GCSE examinations) or registered training provider • Employment
Separate Sciences (equivalent to 3 GCSE examinations, will take up one option choice) • Full-time study at a further
Students select a further four subjects (unless recommended otherwise) from the list below. education provider
Student must choose at least one of the subjects written in italics. • Full-time employment with
Possible Curriculum Routes (these are suggestions only) vocational training
Students seeking a future in A Levels Post 16 and who may have aspirations to
study at a Russell Group University, may choose to study the highly academic Highly academic students A number of students will
will progress to three and
and ambitious Ebacc subjects: 4 gain prestigious places at
• Separate Sciences for the most able, four, Oxbridge and a range of
highly regarded Russell
A Level courses.
• French or Spanish Group Universities.
• Geography or History
• One other subject
Students seeking a future in the Sixth Form to study A Levels and National Successful academic The majority of students gain
students will progress to
Diploma subjects and who may have aspirations for higher education, 4 places to continue studying
training or employment may choose: three A Level courses. across a wide range of
specialist courses at further
• Separate Science Some students will select a education or higher
• Geography or History National Diploma (applied) education institutes or
course as part of this route.
• Two other subjects leading employers.
Students seeking a challenging and flexible route in preparation for a Students will progress to Students will progress to
vocational/apprenticeship route and later, further education or appropriate full-time the appropriate full-time
employment may choose: 4 vocational courses or
vocational courses or
• Three or four guided subject choices (as recommended); part-time employment/ part-time employment/
at least one choice is likely to be Vocational apprenticeship routes. apprenticeship routes.
Ivybridge learners are encouraged and challenged through a wide range of extra-curricular activities which cater
for all students’ individual needs and interests no matter what their ability or age.
All students are encouraged to participate in at least ONE extra-curricular club a week. With a wide range of
clubs running across the College, there is something for everyone.