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Sporting Achievements
hockey Diploma Selection Adam’s Sporting
Year 12 student, Joel Cameron, has every reason to
be proud of his extra-curricular sporting Year 9 student, Adam Dingley is a
achievements, as this year he has been selected by member of the City of Plymouth
england hockey to be part of their ‘Diploma in Athletics Club competing in
Sporting excellence Programme’. hurdles, Sprinting and long Jump.
Joel said, “I knew about the programme a year ago Adam has continued to train
and have been working towards being accepted on regularly during lockdown doing
it, as my ultimate goal is to play hockey for england. Strength and Conditioning
I am really happy to have been selected and only sessions. he adapted training
found out at the end of September. I’m just waiting sessions to his local area, by
making hurdles from plastic
for the ‘official england hockey call-up letter’ for the piping and practising in the local
first hockey training camp which will be held in fields. Thankfully Adam has
December. The camps are very informative with plenty of self-motivation to keep
nutrition, health and fitness, media and fit and he also participated in various virtual events
communication as just some of the topics included. during lockdown.
Joel’s Tutor, Mr Beard said, “We are incredibly “Adam has showed fantastic resilience and
pleased and proud that Joel has been selected for determination in continuing his training during these
this programme. It is wonderful that his hard work difficult circumstances. I am sure he will apply these
and dedication has led to this amazing opportunity; same traits to balancing his continued training with his
he is a fantastic role model and has high expecta- academic commitments now he is starting his gCSe
courses. he is clearly a very talented athlete and we
tions for himself. I know he will put his all into getting wish him every success in his future sporting
the most out of the Diploma.” endeavours.” Kelly olive, Deputy Principal.
emily Qualifies for olympic Swimming Trials
emily Morgan-hughes, in Year 12, is very passionate about her sport of swimming and shows
great commitment to a gruelling training schedule. This strength of character has finally
paid off, giving her the opportunities that she so deserves.
emily says, “I have been competing competitively since I was 9 years old and it has been
my lifelong dream to one day be an olympic swimmer. I love it. Swimming is my life!
This year, I felt was my best season yet. I became Devon Champion in my 2nd best stroke
(the 200m Backstroke) as well as winning multiple gold and Silver medals for my
I was determined to attend the British Championships, which also doubled up as the
olympic Trials. This event has been my goal for the last three years. on the last meet of the
season (a week before lockdown) I competed and achieved a four second Personal Best in
my best event and qualified for the olympic Trials! I was extremely pleased!
I was disappointed to not attend any of the big competitions this season, but I am incredibly
proud of my achievements, as well as getting all the gCSe's that I wanted.”
Character Education - Tolerance, Empathy and Resilience