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Bringing the economy to life in the Classroom
the College’s Department of economics and Business welcomed the Bank of
england, virtually, into their classrooms this term. Michael Pywell, a Bank of england
Ambassador and Policy Analyst for the RtgS Renewal Policy Implementation team
informed our young economists about the Bank’s work as well as promoting career
options in the field of finance and economics.
“We invited all of our economists from Years 9 to 13 to this talk on how Monetary
Policy is being implemented by the Bank of england during these uncertain
times. this talk was real, relevant and up to date.” said Sam Brooks, head of economics and Business,
adding, ”It was wonderful to see our students engaging with this topic at such a high level, and it is clearly
evident that the students are reading around the subject and understand economics in the real world.”
Year 11 student, Rudi, commented after the meeting, “I was intrigued by the various roles and responsibilities
within the Bank of england, which resulted in my engagement in a detailed explanation of economics in a
current affairs context.”
one Year 13 economist said, “the presentation was really helpful and linked directly to what we were
studying in class. It helped me prepare for my final assessments.” Another Year 13 student added, “It made
me realise how useful economics A level is because I always thought working for the Bank of england would
be a higher level than any content learnt at A level, but I was aware of most things he spoke about which
was reassuring. When Mrs Brooks said that we become young economists by the end of A levels I think this
is true because I could go and pursue a career in this area if I wanted to.”
Economics and Business Studies Science 19
Celebrating Science Week
the week beginning Monday, 8 March was not only the first week in which we
welcomed our students back into College, it was also Science Week.
to celebrate, many of our enthusiastic student Scientists presented projects they have
been working on this term, with the presentations being delivered over Microsoft teams.
each individual or group of students chose their own topic to research and present.
We had some students making edible water bottles, one student investigated how to
conduct a safer version of the ‘elephant’s toothpaste’ experiment, supervised by a
member of staff, and two students conducted experiments about exercise and
strength. other research topics included dog psychology, Asteroids and the Big Bang.
Denise Smith, Director of Science, said, “It was a delight to
watch our students talking about the areas of Science they are
most interested in. every year we have Year 13 students leaving
us to move on to study fascinating courses in Science and many
of them demonstrated their passion early in their College life, as
these students did. It is always such a privilege to watch our
students on their journey to becoming Scientists, or to just
observe them enjoying Science.”