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Learning at Ivybridge Community College is not just about academic
          study. Students’ learning in their subjects is blended with a rich and
          diverse programme of personal development and enrichment
          opportunities, which allows students to achieve their very best in all
          areas and prepares them fully for life beyond school.

          Personal Development

          Continuing from Year 8, students will follow our CPSHE programme, alongside
          Character Education, which supports academic studies, by helping students to
          develop skills such as teamwork, communication and resilience which are crucial to
          navigating the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.
          Throughout your child’s learning journey from Year 9 to 11, they will be provided with
          the opportunity to take part in trips and visits, enjoy our Enrichment Week each year,
          be involved in visits from outside speakers, undertake Work Experience during Year
          10, become College Ambassadors, get involved in charity and community events, have
          specific careers events and bespoke advice and guidance, and take on leadership roles
          and training.
          All students will continue to take part in Core Physical Education each week; the
          College fully embraces the notion of sport for all: for enjoyment and for physical and
          mental well-being.
          In addition, all students will also continue to study Forensic Reading. The aim of the
          programme is to support our students to establish a strong foundation of knowledge,  “Think about what you
          vocabulary, understanding, phraseology and experience, which not only helps form a  enjoy studying and how
          basis for success in difficult examinations but also the challenges of adult life beyond
          their time in College. Forensic Reading will expose your child to challenging, complex  this may support your
          and academic texts which will not only develop their vocabulary but also their ability to  career aspirations.
          appreciate what makes a great writer. In essence, the focus is on putting language  Don’t choose subjects
          under the microscope to arrive at a deeper understanding of it (hence the        just to be with your
          word ‘Forensic’).
                                                                                           friends, they will have
                                                                                           different interests and
                                                                                           strengths and this won’t
                                                                                           help you in
                                                                                           the long run.”

                                                                                           Year 11 student


          The College is extremely proud of the enrichment opportunities available to all students.
          We currently offer a wide range of clubs on a weekly basis, offering a huge variety of
          activities which cater for all students’ individual needs and interests no matter what their
          ability or age. We encourage all students to participate in at least one club at the College.
          Whilst this list is not certainly exhaustive, examples of the clubs currently running are:
              • Music ensembles                    • Maths and Science clubs
              • Musical theatre groups             • Equality group
              • Ten Tors                           • Puzzle club
              • Duke of Edinburgh                  • Anti-bullying group
              • Elite sports academies             • Sustainability group
              • Recreational sports clubs          • Art and craft clubs
              • Inter College/Regional competitions  • Modern Foreign Language clubs
                                                   • The Ivybridge Gazette
          A full list can be found on our College website.
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