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Preparing for the Future
Pastoral Support sixth Form is a crucial
stepping stone to a
Above all, we want our students to be happy – confident that they have tools to
excel in their chosen subjects and supported in securing their future pathways student's career aspirations,
– their academic success follows naturally from this. We have a dedicated and much support is given
pastoral team in the Sixth Form including two non-teaching Pastoral Leaders, through the pastoral system in
one for Welfare and one for Futures and Careers. securing students' post-sixth
Form pathways, be they
At the heart of our pastoral system is a student's Tutor, who sees them through Higher education,
Years 12 and 13, and is usually a teacher of one of their chosen subjects. apprenticeship or employment.
Students meet with their Tutor daily, which is important for building a relationship We are extremely proud of
that allows a Tutor to provide emotional support. Tutors also see their tutees for what our students go on to
a one-hour CPSHE lesson each fortnight. This CPSHE provision in the Sixth achieve. our annual Higher
Form underpins our Enrichment programme; research has shown that students education and Apprenticeship
with higher levels of emotional, social and behavioural well-being have higher levels Day, apprenticeship work-
of academic achievement and engagement, now and in the future. shops, careers fairs, Year 12
Sessions have been tailored towards the Sixth Formers as young adults, and work experience, talks from
every care has been taken to focus on future career planning too, whether that local employers, and sharing
constitutes an apprenticeship, a university application or a GAP year, in order of local employment and
to prepare for responsibilities and experiences in later life. internship opportunities are
We aim to create and deliver sessions that allow the students to develop habits just some of the many ways
of good living and to create an environment where they can flourish as a human that we support students in
being, both currently and later in life. reaching their goals.