Page 5 - Summer 2018 Echo draft 1-8
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World Scout Jamboree The Pearson’s Teaching Awards –
20th Anniversary
The College is delighted to announce that four
students have been selected to attend the 24th World Claire Davidson is an English teacher at the College
Scout Jamboree on 22 July to 2 August 2019 at The and a former National Winner (2004) of the
Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve in West ‘Award for School and Community,’ for her work in
Virginia, USA. The students attending this amazing Africa. Consequently, she has been invited to
experience are Megan Davies in Year 10, Sam Dove become part of the Teaching Awards’ Ambassador’s
and Max Bell in Year 11, and George Dempsey Programme. Please go to
in Year 13. for Claire’s amazing
The UK Contingent Management Team Vision is to memories of the event
“deliver a unique international adventure shaped by and the impact it has
young people, where contingent members will had in her life and
develop personally and have a positive longer term career.
impact on Scouting and beyond.”
Fantastic Fundraising in aid of
‘The Rowing Marine’ Charity
Rachel Hutchinson presented News 3
Lee Spencer with a cheque for an
Wear your Ribbon with Pride amazing £2,083.41.
Every year, during the month of June, the LGBT+ Lee has visited the College on several
community celebrates in a number of different ways.
At the College, Pride Ribbons were available to occasions to give moving, inspirational and
purchase, with all donations for the ribbons, and the
bake sale, going to the charity Stonewall. This charity motivational speeches across a number of Year
campaigns for LGBT+ rights, predominantly on the Groups, and today was no exception, as he addressed
basis of improved education in both educational an assembly of Year 10 students.
institutions and work places. Stonewall also provide This money was raised
their ‘Champion Schools’ with free
role model visits from pioneering by having a Mufti Day in
people who just happen to be LGB March in aid of Lee
or T. RAF veteran Caroline Paige was Spencer's charity ‘The
our role model when she Rowing Marine’.
visited the College in December
2017 as part of the ‘Impact Day’ Thank you to everyone
initiative. who contributed to this
worthwhile cause.
To find out more about
this worthy charity,
please visit his website –
Students grow in confidence
at Erme Valley
Two students, Shikira Knight in Year 11 and
Brooke Miller in Year 10, have both passed their
Horse Riding and Horse Management Tests. Shikira
passed Level 2 and Brooke passed Level 1. Both girls
have been attending the Erme Valley Riding School,
caring for the horses and learning to ride. They
have shown great enthusiasm and confidence
around the horses and played an important part in
the running of the yard, such as stable
management, grooming and working as a team.
“I was really proud of both girls who grew in
confidence and became more independent each
week, a massive well done to both girls,” said
Mrs Lomas.