Page 6 - Assessment Progress Leaflet Autumn 2017v2
P. 6

Letters and Numbers are Fine Graded   New grading structure  Current grading structure
 for extra clarity, for example:
A1 A grade A but potential for an A*                                     A*
A2 A solid grade A
A3 A weak A which without consistent   8

      effort could drop to a B         7A
 7+ A grade 7 but potential for an 8   6 STRONG PASS
 7 A solid grade 7                           B5 & above = top of C & above
 7- A weak 7 which without consistent
                                       5 STANDARD PASS
      effort could drop to a 6             C4 & above = bottom of C & above

There is no direct comparison between  4
the old Letter grades and the new
Number grades. Ofqual have issued the  3D
following information for guidance.
                                       2                      E


  Key Stage 5

 Students in Year 12 and 13 are working toward their Level 3 qualifications.
Grades issued are a Prediction of what we think they can achieve at the end of Year 12 or
13 as appropriate if they continue to engage well in their learning and make progress in line
with national expectation. Each student will also have an Estimated Grade for each
subject which their Professional Fine Grade Prediction can be compared against.
In addition, Year 12 and 13 are given an attendance grade from 1- 4.

 1 Excellent attendance, over 95%
 2 Very good to good attendance, over 90%
 3 Some concern about attendance, even though the absence has been authorised
 4 Poor attendance which is causing concern
   1   2   3   4   5   6