Page 6 - Curriculum guide 19-20 v2
P. 6

Setting structure Year 9                                                      Core subjects are given the flexibility to
                                                                              set their classes in a way that best suits
Subject Setting structure (where appropriate)                                 the needs of their subject. Therefore,
                                                                              Maths, English and Science have unique
Maths    4 populations                                   Final tier of entry  setting structures. All Option Choices are
         4 sets in each, taught in ability groups.       is decided during    taught in mixed ability sets.
         Sets 1, 2 Higher (grades 4 – 9)                 Year 11
         Sets 3, 4 Foundation (grades 1 – 5)                                    Personal Development and
English  4 populations
         4 sets in each as follows:                                             CPShE
         Set 1, grades 7/8/9                                                    We passionately believe that College is
         Set 2, grades 6/7/8                                                    preparation for life and that of equal
         Set 3, 4 mixed ability, grades 1 – 6                                   importance to academic study is students’
                                                                                Personal Development; the preparation for
Science 4 populations                                                           the world of work, careers, health and
            4 populations                                                       relationships to name but a few. We have a
            Set 1 is Separate Science                                           CPSHE programme that is universal,
            Set 2, 3 and 4 Combined Science where sets 3 and 4                  progressive and age appropriate, to meet the
            only are mixed ability.                                             needs of all. It develops students’ knowledge,
                                                                                skills and personal characteristics to keep
Setting structure Year 10                                                       them healthy and safe alongside preparing
                                                                                them for life in modern Britain and the world
Subject Setting structure (where appropriate)                                   of work.
                                                                                Our CPSHE curriculum, alongside
Maths    2 populations                                   Final tier of entry    character Education, supports academic
         9 sets in each, taught in ability groups.       is decided during      studies by helping students to develop skills
         Sets 1 – 5 Higher (grades 4 – 9)                Year 11                such as teamwork, communication and
         Sets 6 – 9 Foundation (grades 1 – 5)                                   resilience which are crucial to navigating the
                                                                                challenges and opportunities of the modern
English  2 populations                                                          world, and are increasingly valued by
         9 sets in each as follows:                                             employers.
         1, 5 and 9 : Set 1, grades 7/8/9                                       Character Education is interwoven through all
         2 and 6: Set 2, grades 6/7/8                                           lessons, particularly in CPSHE, and focuses
         3, 4 and 7, 8 mixed ability, grades 1 – 6                              on students' values, attitudes and behaviours
                                                                                to support their development and contribute
Science 4 populations                                                           to their success both inside and outside of
            Set 1 is Separate Science                                           College. 
            Set 2, 3 and 4 are Combined Science in ability groups               ENRIChMENT
                                                                                Ivybridge learners are encouraged and
Setting structure Year 11                                                       challenged through a wide range of
                                                                                extra-curricular activities which cater for all
Subject Setting structure (where appropriate)                                   students’ individual needs and interests no
                                                                                matter what their ability or age.
Maths    2 populations                                   Final tier of entry    All students are encouraged to participate in
         8 sets in each, taught in fine ability groups.  is decided during      at least ONE Extra Curricular Club a week.
         Sets 1 – 4 Higher (grades 4 – 9)                Year 11                With a wide range of clubs running across
         Sets 5 – 8 Foundation (grades 1 – 5)                                   the College, there is something for everyone.

English  2 populations
         9 sets in each as follows:
         1, 5 and 9 : Set 1, grades 7/8/9
         2 and 6: Set 2, grades 6/7/8
         3, 4 and 7, 8 mixed ability, grades 1 – 6

Science i population: 2 Separate, 2 Combined
            v population: 2 Separate, 2 Combined
            y population: 1 Separate, 3 Combined
            z population: 2 Separates, 2 Combined
            All groups are set based on ability.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8