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Excellence                                                   Tips on choosing the right


             Independent Study                                            The process of choosing your Sixth Form
                                                                          subjects is different for everyone, but here
             We recognise that the transition from Year 11 to the Sixth Form  are some tips.
             can be a big step. It is vital to realise the importance of independent
             study from the outset and it is expected that you use your non-  • If you have a career in mind, research
             timetabled lesson time productively. Sixth Form study can be   routes and qualifications you might need.
             demanding, but if you stay on top of your work, you will find it  • Think of how your subject choices might
             much more rewarding and enjoyable!                             complement each other and provide a
             It is essential that you plan your time well and acquire good study  broad foundation for your future
             skills. For every subject you study, you will have one timetabled  endeavours.
             study block per fortnight and then three additional timetabled  • Think about how different courses might
             study blocks. This is to help you organise your time most effectively  complement each other in terms of the
             as you move from Year 11 to Sixth Form. During all other non-  type of study required - you may want to
             timetabled blocks, there is greater flexibility, but we do expect you  give yourself some diversity.
             to be using your time productively. We recommend that you
             allocate specific subject or study objectives for each of your non-  • Think about how much you enjoy a
             timetabled blocks and there will be time and support during Tutor  subject rather than how good you are
             block to help you with this.                                   - you need to stay motivated!
                                                                          • Speak to your current teachers about
                                                                            your suitability for your chosen courses.
               I volunteer at ugborough football club every saturday
                                                                          • Find out about the course content and,
         morning from 9:30am-11am. I aim to use this as experience          importantly, how you will be assessed
        to become a level 1 FA coach, from there I can take on a role       - play to your strengths!
         as a coach for younger children and hope to help them love       • Speak to current Sixth Form students to
                                            football as much as I do.       get a student perspective.

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