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Welcome to Ivybridge Community College
on behalf of all the staff and governors at the College, I warmly welcome each
College News 1 and every one of you, as part of our Ivybridge learning Community, to find
some quality time to celebrate with us this truly wonderful ‘Pandora’s Box’ of
News 2-6 College echo news.
As the College Principal, I am always in awe of the array of enrichment
Character education 7-9
opportunities and successes constantly being achieved by our students which
Year 7 Transition 10-11 reinforces the deep rooted values the College places on providing a
well-balanced breadth of educational provision.
Community and Partnership 12-13 Against all odds, and under significant pressures this term, staff continue to go
the extra mile to ensure students embrace new and exciting projects,
Art 14-15
challenges and learning opportunities as reflected in this edition of the
Sports Academy Alumni 16 College echo.
You will see on our central pages, that we feature our extended community
Sporting Achievements 17-19 businesses who are always so supportive of the College’s developments.
Join us in celebrating our community partnerships and please find the time to
Sixth Form Alumni 20
support the local retailers during this festive period.
Thank you for your continued support and we very much look forward to new
and exciting ventures in 2021.
Stay safe, and most of all, use the festive period to reflect on how we can all
For more information on any play our part in supporting one another to ensure quality first education remains
of the news articles please
go to our website: a priority for our Ivybridge learners.
Very best wishes
Rachel Hutchinson
SToP PReSS - ‘Art in heaven’ National Winners
Year 8 students, emily and george, have won two categories in this year’s
national Spirited Arts Competition. Together with edward and William in Year 8
and Mia in Year 9 who were highly commended in three categories. NATRe,
who organise this annual competition received 65,000 entries, a record number
from the UK, as well as receiving entries from Indonesia, China and Brazil! Please
visit the College website for more details about this wonderful achievement.
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