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Proud of Students’Achievements

         In August our students are celebrated success on their results days once again and
         we are extremely proud of each and every one of them.  Students received grades
         which were a testament to their hard work and commitment throughout their studies
         and which really promote our mantra that hard work and effort every day really
         does pay off.
         A level students successfully gained places at oxbridge and to study
         both Medicine and Dentistry this year which are amazing achievements.
         over half of our students achieved grades of B or above and these
         have helped to ensure that over 75% of our university bound students
         have been successful in achieving their top choices.
         Reflecting on the gCSe results the Principal, Rachel hutchinson, said,
         “I have seen first-hand how hard the students and staff have worked
         over the last year and I am confident that our students have valid,
         comparable and accurate grades that reflect their commitment.
         I cannot pass any judgement on the picture nationally, but we at
         Ivybridge Community College will be celebrating these results”.
         Finally, we would like to congratulate all of our students on their
         achievements this year and in particular, for the maturity, resilience
         and professionalism they have shown during such turbulent times.

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         Virtual Careers Fair 2020 - Innovative, Inspiring and Informative
         The annual Careers Fair held on Wednesday, 25 November, was once more a
         very busy event, albeit a virtual one.  This year, due to the virtual nature of the
         event, we opened the invitation to all our students to help inspire and inform
         them prior to making their next step choices, whatever stage they are at on their
         learning pathway.   events such as this encourage our students to get involved in
         the     careers and next steps process and explore fully the opportunities which
         are on offer.
         The virtual exhibition brought together over forty organisations and training
         providers from Plymouth and the South West who were provided with a virtual
         exhibition space within the College website.  Contributors ranged from local
         universities and apprenticeship providers to small businesses and organisations
         with global interests.
         From careers in IT, dentistry, manufacturing and engineering, the building
         environment, to landscape architecture, healthcare, music, the Police and the
         Armed Forces, the range was truly comprehensive.
         Students came away with excellent advice and guidance to help with their
         future gCSe, A level and further career and study pathways.  hosting this
         virtual fair has meant that we have been able to ensure that all our students
         continue to receive crucial careers support.  Therefore, can we take this
         opportunity to thank our professional partners and our parents and students  for
         making it such a successful event.
         Staff Wellbeing

         Staff at Ivybridge Community College are really taking their wellbeing seriously through participation in a
         ‘Mental health and Wellbeing’ awareness drive.
         They have found that looking after their wellbeing has been made easier by the recent webinars on offer at the
         College.  From sleep optimising, healthy eating and the value of exercise, to finding out more about what it is
         like to have Autism through the analogy of Spoon Theory.   Staff are sharing their golden nuggets and creating
         a central bank of wellbeing ideas, so that everyone can benefit from the sessions in the future.
         Staff have commented that it has been lovely to be able to focus on themselves, and that the sessions have
         given them the drive to look after themselves more by putting the advice into practice in their daily lives.
         helen Ryder, Wellbeing lead said, “The more informed we are as teachers, the more we can help the young
         people in our classes develop their resilience and improve their wellbeing.  These courses have been invaluable
         and I would encourage everyone to take more care of their own wellbeing.  In the lockdown world looking
         after ourselves has to be a main focus.”
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