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BBC Radio 4 Feature Tilly’s Covid Chronicle
Year 7 student, Tilly, is celebrating the publication of her ‘Covid Chronicle’ in a
book called ‘letters from lockdown’.
Whilst in Year 6 at her primary school, Tilly and her classmates had the opportunity
to do an account all about ‘My life in lockdown’, and they were all given the
option to send them to BBC Radio 4, as all chronicles received were going to be
archived in the British library in london.
A few weeks later Tilly’s parents received a phone call from a producer at BBC
Radio 4 asking if they would be willing to record her chronicle for it to be played
live on the radio, it was then aired on the show in May 2020.
BBC Radio 4 also contacted Tilly’s parents again, to ask permission for her ‘Covid
Chronicle’ to be published in a book called ‘letters from lockdown’. She was
recently sent a copy of the book from Radio 4, which was released in November.
A donation from every book sale is going towards BBC Children in Need.
Tilly said, “I felt excited, happy and proud that I was
going to be a mini author in a book of many
chronicles by all ages. I felt special and lucky to be
chosen to have my chronicle speech played on
BBC Radio 4. And the fact I was chosen out of lots of people, made all my hard
work worth it.”
Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in Years 7, 9 and 12 have been
trained by The Diana Award in a virtual event to improve positive
behaviour and attitudes among students by training to be an
‘up stander’. These students will be the face of our upcoming
campaigns to advertise kindness in the College and be a
friendly face to talk to for each Year group bubble.
An emphasis on e-Safety
The College was delighted to host a two
day programme of e-safety that was Showcasing the College
delivered to students, staff and parents/
carers in December. This was led by We are delighted to show you the
Sharon girling oBe, who is a former police College’s billboard poster on display at
officer who retired following thirty years’ the bottom of harford Road.
service. her final role was as an investigator It is a celebration of ‘The Ivybridge Way’
at the Child exploitation and online and all that the College represents and
Protection Centre (CeoP). Sharon has been aspires to be.
awarded an oBe by her Majesty the Queen our grateful thanks to Chris Passmore of
for her services to policing., together with
Students attended Year group sessions via Danny and Jodie for the installation.
Teams. The Year 7 session focused on bullying whilst Years 8, 9
and 10 looked at ensuring they did not share things with others
that they later come to regret. Year 11 looked at how our digital
footprint could impact College applications and job interviews
in the future, along with practical advice about what to do if
you are worried about anything you have posted. In addition to
these Year group sessions staff also had the opportunity to join
Sharon for a staff only session.
Parents and carers had their opportunity to learn more about
e-safety through participating in the College’s virtual
ParentMeet meeting via Microsoft Teams.
“Sharon’s sessions had something for everyone. From cleaning
up your digital footprint to turning off location services that tell
everyone on the internet where you have been, who you were
with and what you were doing!” said Nina Kyprianidis, Deputy
Principal and Designated Safeguarding lead.
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