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Welcome to Ivybridge Community College

   College News                    1   Welcome to this easter edition of The College echo.  We are delighted to be
                                       welcoming back our students who have been away from College since the start
   News                          2 - 5
                                       of the spring term.  We have been highly impressed with their engagement with
   Wellbeing at Ivybridge        6 - 7  and commitment to their Remote learning transition and we include student
                                       articles and comments reflecting that in this edition.
   Character education           8 - 9

   Remote learning            10 - 11  even in these difficult times we are delighted to bring to you in this edition, an
                                       abundance of enrichment opportunities and personal development articles
   Performing Arts            12 - 13  celebrating ‘The Ivybridge Way’ ensuring that our students continue to be able

   Creative Arts              14 - 15  to appreciate high quality moral, social and cultural learning experiences.   our
                                       continued outstanding successes in competitions and charity work makes the
   Supporting the local Community 16 - 17  College a very special place indeed.

   Sporting Achievements      18 - 19
                                       We have genuinely felt so supported by our local community throughout the
   Alumni                         20   recent months.  From parents surprising staff with generous ‘thank you’ gifts, to
                                       the support from Sir gary Streeter, MP, and representatives from the Army, who
                                       visited our lateral Flow Testing Facility, and took the time to discuss the
                                       processes with staff and students.

                                       hopefully, we are all now beginning to see a light at the end of a very long
                                       tunnel.  Please continue to stay safe, be kind, be responsible and look after
                                       your family, friends and others in our community.
     For more information on any of
     the news articles please visit
     our website:
                                       Very best wishes
                                       Rachel hutchinson

                    Follow us -              @ivycomcol                 @IvybridgeComCol
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