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          The Smallest Acts of Kindness… (Cover story)
          on Friday, 12 February, staff at the College were thrilled and delighted to
          receive a wonderful selection of gifts, delivered by one of our parents,
          Deanne hembry.
          our thoughtful parents kindly donated all of the presents, as a means of
          saying ‘thank you’ to the wonderful staff at the College.  Deanne, mum to
          Alyssa in Year 9 and Kai in Year 11, originally came up with the idea of
          parents donating gifts as a way of showing their appreciation.  The message
          inside the card reads “Thank you for all of your support and for keeping our
          children educated in these strange times.  Your hard efforts have not gone
          So much thought and time has gone into the selection of the gifts to ensure
          that there was definitely something special for everybody.
          Staff have been overwhelmed by the surprise, commenting, “It is great to be
          appreciated”, “What a surprise! Thank you so much!”, “Thank you so much
          for your thoughtful and considerate gifts” and “Thank you! A great start to
          the half term break”.
                                                “We would like to wholeheartedly
                                                thank each and every parent who
                                                has contributed in this amazing act
                                                of kindness.  Never before has the
                                                College had such generosity shown
                                                to staff on this scale, and in such a personal way.”
                                                Rachel hutchinson, Principal.

                                                                                "What a wonderful and kind
                                                                                gesture by the parents
                                                                                involved.  I know the Principal
                                                                                and staff greatly appreciate
                                                                                the recognition of all they are
                 “The smallest acts                                             doing in these immensely
                                                                                difficult times.  on behalf of
                   of kindness can
                                                                                the governing Board, a very
                  make the biggest                                              big thank you."
                       impacts”                                                 Michael Saltern, Chair of the
                                                                                governing Board.

               Character Education - Courage, honesty and Authenticity
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