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Welcome to Ivybridge Community College

   College News                    1     the College is a very unique and special place to learn, firmly founded on
                                         high standards of excellence, enrichment and opportunities for all and this
   governors’ News                 2     past year has been no exception.
   News                          3 - 5
                                         We have continued to celebrate the many achievements of our students
   Wellbeing at Ivybridge        6 - 7   across the College and the College echo is a true reflection of this.  All of this
                                         is only possible due to the support of parents/carers and the dedication of
   Character education             8     staff who have helped to support these, and in particular throughout this
                                         challenging year.
   learning Resource Centre        9
                                         I would like to thank the Years 11 and 13 cohort who have worked hard
   equality and Diversity     10 - 11
                                         towards achieving their goals, and have always maintained such
   enrichment                 12 - 13    commitment and loyalty towards their studies.  on behalf of the College, we
                                         wish them the very best of luck as they embark on the next stage of their
   Creative Arts              14 - 17    journey to success.

   Curriculum Activities Focus  18 - 21  We were delighted that one of our teachers, Rebekah harvey, has been
                                         nationally recognised by the Pearson National teaching Awards for the
   Performing Arts                22
                                         outstanding New teacher of the Year.  What makes this so special, is that the
   Sports Academy Camps           23     nomination was made by her Year 10 Mathematics class.
   Sporting Achievements      24 - 25    I hope you have an enjoyable summer and I am looking forward to
                                         welcoming back our returning students in September and meeting the new
   Sixth Form                 26 - 27    students who will be joining the College.
   Dofe                           28
                                         Very best wishes
     For more information on any of      Rachel Hutchinson
     the news articles please visit      Principal
     our website:

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