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Richard Peachey, Co-opted Governor, advising students
on CVs, Personal Statements and offering valuable
interview guidance during the Sixth Form ‘Mock Interview Day’.
Governors’ News
Pen Portrait -
tracey Friendship
tracey graduated from Plymouth
University with a degree in
teaching and she has taught across
Foundation and Key Stage 1.
During this time, she successfully
completed her Middle leadership
Qualification and was involved in
implementing whole school initiatives.
tracey now works as a higher-level
teaching Assistant (hltA) in a local
primary school. Within this role she is
responsible for covering classes to
release teachers for their non-contact
Richard Peachey, Co-opted governor, time and she also works with groups
Michael Saltern, Chair of the governing of children carrying out interventions
Board, Rachel hutchinson, Principal and across different areas of the curriculum.
Nina Kyprianidis, Deputy Principal attending a She has previously been involved with her children’s
Pupil Premium strategic meeting at primary school PtFA, where she held the positions of
governance level on Wednesday, 12 May 2021. Vice Chair or Secretary over a period of 8 years. She has also
been a trustee for a local Breakfast and
After School Club.
tracey is passionate about education and
believes that all children should be given
opportunities to succeed and excel.
Quality of education governing Board
meeting held via Microsoft teams on
Wednesday, 3 February 2021.
Character Education - Courage, Honesty and Authenticity