Page 18 - Echo Spring '23_for web 3
P. 18
Year 8 Geographers Visit Mount Batten Beach
During the penultimate week of term a small number of Year 8 students
had the opportunity to explore our wonderful coastline and Britain’s first
marine park, during a trip to Mount Batten beach. Accompanied by
Mr Bray and Mrs Briant, students explored the coast as part of their
Geography curriculum, focusing on a unit of work entitled Summit to
Sea whereby students find out about rivers and coasts.
Tyler Watts attended the trip and told us all about it:
“On the trip we got to look at lots of marine wildlife. Different parts of
the shore were explained to us and we found out about the difficulties
of living in the upper shore and the way it changes throughout the day.
We learned about animals such as cushion crabs, devil crabs and
hermit crabs. We were given specialist underwater cameras so we
could take photographs of the wildlife. These photographs can be
accessed by geographers and scientists all around the world. What we
did is called Civilian Science (Science done by members of the public).
A social enterprise called The Rock Pool Project helped us and supplied
us with the equipment. They also explained the wonders of the plants
and animals that live in the rock pools.”
16 Geography
Our Trip on Dartmoor
Our trip on Dartmoor was sooooo fun. We got to
see all of Ivybridge just from standing on Dartmoor!
OK, so at first we had to walk up a massive hill.
Walking up that gigantic hill was very hard for
most people, but not really for me because my
dad once made me walk 8 miles, and I was only 7,
and at the end my legs literally and I mean literally
collapsed on the way home. The hill we walked
up got steeper and steeper the more we went up.
And we had to look out for the loose rocks, even
the smallest ones, because even if you think you
won’t trip you actually can.
When we finally reached the top it was worth it.
We could see the big dip where Ivybridge was
built. The reason it was built in the dip is because
we are then more protected from the bad
weather. That is one thing I learned from that day.
After that it started to rain, I was so relieved
because at this point I was so hot.
Another thing I think we learned was that people
going to Dartmoor, and other places, are stepping
on rocks and getting rid of all the earth covering
the rocks. Once it is gone, it will never come back
so we need to protect it.
When we walked back down the massive hill it was
so hard because some parts are all covered in
loose rocks and you would trip if you aren’t
careful, so we were.
Then we got back to school and that was
everything we did on our trip up to Dartmoor. With
our awesome Geography teacher Miss Hoggett.
Reef Stevens – 7BRK
Character Education . . . Courage, Honesty and Athenticity