Page 16 - Summer 2020 Echo final draft lower res
P. 16

Scavenger hunt                                                                                 “My time in educare
                                                                                         has been utterly brilliant! I usually
        As part of the educare programme                                            start with english because I love learning
        students took part  in a Nature                                             about A Christmas Carol. After this, we
        Scavenger hunt.                                                            move onto an activity. These have been
        The hunt involved finding sixteen                                          very varied; from doing quizzes to socially
        natural objects around the                                                    distanced walks around the beautiful
        College grounds e.g. two kinds                                                areas of Ivybridge. Although we are
        of seeds, two different types of                                            going through tough times, I have really
        leaves,a beautiful rock,
        something fuzzy, a chewed leaf, a                                                  enjoyed my time in educare!”
        favourite stick and something the
        students wanted to treasure.                                                                   Tasha, Year 10
        The students had a really enjoyable
        time searching for their items and then                              Activities included leadership
        presented their objects to the rest of                               and team building challenges,
        their group and justified their                                      structure building using
        favourite object found.                                              marshmallows and pasta, sign
                                                                             language training and quizzes.
        gwen Price,
        Teacher of geography                                         A picture from our ‘socially distanced’ walk to the Beacon.

14 Educare Activities                                            Bombs Away!

             Building Design                                     Students had the opportunity to try out some fun
                                                                 ‘engineering experiments’. Their task was to design
                           Key Stage 3 students learnt about     and build a device to protect and accurately
                           life on tectonic plate boundaries     deliver dropped eggs. Thank you so much to
                           and designed their own “earth-        Ian Armitage, Cover
                           quake-proof buildings”. After they    Co-Ordinator for the
                           designed them, they created them      activities, which the
                           out of spaghetti and marshmallows,    students loved, and of
                           before testing their durability on a  course to Fran Aldridge,
                           bed of jelly!                         Teacher of geography,
                           Charley Richardson,                   for 'judging'!
                           Teacher of geography


Some of the rainbow
chalking completed
by the educare
students with
Sara elston, head of
Creative Arts

                                                                              “I have had the best
                                                                        time in educare! My learning
                                                                         has been so diverse. I have
                                                                        loved making Kahoot quizzes,
                                                                     playing Tennis and going on lots

                                                                                  of lovely walks.”

                                                                                   Molly, Year 10

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