Page 11 - Summer 2020 Echo final draft lower res
P. 11
A Wonderful example of Character education
Year 10 student, Owen Chapman, has certainly been making the very most of his time during lockdown, and
for a very worthy cause too. Owen said, “I saw online that people were ‘3d printing’ mask ear savers for the
NhS and other Key Workers. Initially, I went to my dad and asked if we could help and contribute to help
through these tough times. We have currently produced around one thousand items, and we are producing
probably around fifty to sixty a day.
I have managed to fit this around my home learning because the prints take approximately thirty to forty
minutes for each set, so I can check up on the printer and the quality of what is being produced and get
ready to repeat the prints. We are currently printing ten per print
and to date we have donated to five hospitals around the country
and also to local care homes.”
“I am filled with so much admiration for this practical support that
Owen, along with his father, have done to support the NhS. It is
wonderful that he has helped to make the wearing of protective
masks more comfortable for medical staff, who are trying to save
lives. Many of the character virtues we encourage our students to
exhibit have been embodied by Owen, namely empathy, courage,
ambition, respect and charity. We are so proud of his
gill Taylor, Deputy Principal
Character Education 9
Fundraising Challenge expressive lockdown Poetry
for Jack
Year 7 student, Chloe Jones, has delighted staff at the
College by submitting her beautiful ‘acrostic’ poem using
The College is delighted to report that Year 12 the word ‘lockdown’.
student, Jack Craigie, took part in ‘The 2.6
All students in Year 7 were encouraged to write an
acrostic poem in a competition organised as part of their
This challenge was organised as an alternative home learning work expectations.
way to raise funds for charities in the light of
Chloe said “I really didn’t want to leave school when it
the cancellation of the london Marathon.
shut, as I would miss all my friends and teachers. I like
Jack challenged himself to 26 hours of cycling school and think I work harder there, as it’s more difficult
on an exercise bike, with brief breaks when the to get motivated at home. I have Face Timed my friends
pedals were taken over by his family.
to keep in touch and get help with school work. My mum
Jack explained his motivation for taking on the and dad bought me a new bike as an early birthday
challenge, “every year I challenge myself to present so I’m using that a lot for exercise as I’m missing
raise money for Crohn's and Colitis UK to
my swim training.
support the amazing work they do.
I have been helping out at home
Due to Covid-19, donations are down by 60% with the cooking of the evening
impacting their research and valuable support meals, mainly making desserts! I
to sufferers like myself around the UK and so I feel sad about it all, as so many
wanted to help. At this difficult time, any
people are dying and their
support you can give would make a huge
families can’t say goodbye to
them, and I miss seeing my
To date, Jack has
grandparents and being able
already raised £792.26
to give them a hug.”
(£930.58 total including
gift Aid), and if you would gill Taylor, Deputy Principal said,
like to make a donation “This is an excellent piece of
please visit his virgin- creative writing, which provides
moneygiving page: an insightful perspective from a
https://uk.virginmoneygiv- Year 7 student’s point of view regarding her feelings and
emotions during lockdown.”
We are very proud at the
College for Jack’s
magnificent efforts.