Page 15 - Summer 2020 Echo final draft lower res
P. 15

“I have made flash
                            cards of the tenses
                            and completed
                            the language
                            guide. I am
                            really enjoying
                            doing these
                            Year 8 MFl

'geographer of the Week' awarded to a                               13
Year 8 student for creating a fantastic
geography Fieldwork presentation.

             Celebrating Home Learning Commitment

                                          09MgY Tutor group
                                          have been working on
                                          this amazing project;
                                          an opportunity to get
                                          outdoors and support
                                          various causes!

Year 8 Drama students                            Year 7 history
were asked to put their                          student
skills to work to create a
light-hearted Public
Service Announcement
on surviving the
lockdown. The videos
were creative, well
scripted and used
fantastic costume changes.

   Visit the College’s website for more examples of home learning
commitment and our galleries for stunning student cookery, artwork

                     and poety created during lockdown -
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