Page 8 - Summer 2020 Echo final draft lower res
P. 8
Character education Siblings Raise funds
Qualities Shine Through for ‘NhS Charities
Sixth Form head Boy, george Flay, has written a
powerful, thought provoking and heartfelt letter. Year 7 student lars, together with his sister, Neve, have
great leadership skills and Character education are been raising funds for ‘NhS Charities Together’. During
shown in abundance here and his sense of lockdown they decided to do something to raise money
community and responsibility as head Boy shines to help the NhS cope with the extra demands during the
through brightly. Covid -19 pandemic. So, as they could not actually
In his final paragraph george reminds us of the physically visit their granny, they decided to a virtual run
to her (by running the 215 miles in a series of shorter runs
important things in life, “The Coronavirus locally) with the aim of fundraising £600 for ‘NhS
pandemic, as with every other Charities Together’.
cataclysmic force majeure, is a strident The miles have added up, with lars even running a half
reminder to enjoy the little things when marathon in one session, and so far they have run 150
you can’t enjoy the big things. miles and have raised almost £750, which has already
A reminder to laugh even when you feel been given to and spent by the NhS during the peak of
you shouldn’t because that is exactly the crisis.
when you need to laugh the most. Stay If you would like to support or follow lars then please go
safe.” to -
To read the letter in its entirity please
follow this link -
6 Character Education
Mia’s Wonderful ‘little Sleep Out For Shekinah
Bottles of hope’
Students at the College, who are also
Year 8 student, Mia Ryder, has been hiding small members of the 27th Plymouth Scout
bottles of hand coloured rainbows in her local group, accepted a challenge to sleep out
community for people to find. These ‘little Bottles of in their own gardens without tents. This was
hope’ are part of Mia’s Spirited Arts ‘Inspiration’ organised by Mr Deacon, who is a teacher
College project. of Business Studies at the College and a
Mia thought that it would be fun for children and
their families to find the bottles, encourage them to Scout leader.
take a walk in the community and to raise their spirits. On the night of Saturday, 20 June, Dee,
People have really responded to her amazing and Katie, Trystan and Mr Deacon, made
thoughtful effort by taking pictures of themselves shelters in their own gardens. They slept out
finding the bottles and sending her lovely messages. to raise funds and awareness of homelessness and the
She said, “I was inspired by the hard times that many forms that it takes and the underlying problems
particularly young children are experiencing at the that may be behind it such as, mental health and
moment and was motivated by the inspirational addiction. With other Scouts they have all helped raise
quote, ‘Try to be the rainbow in someone’s cloud’. over £2,000 for Shekinah in Plymouth via the link -
I hoped that looking and finding my little Bottles of
hope would inspire other people to be a rainbow in
someone’s cloud. I wanted to remind people that mer-sleep-out
Shelters were made out of plastic sheets,
there is light at the end of wheelie bins, cardboard and Katie even
the tunnel and that there used a dog cage as the basis of her
are still many things to be shelter and it was certainly a ‘rough'
grateful for.”
“I am so impressed by Mia’s Mr Deacon said, “All of the sixty young
unique idea; it is both people (aged 6 upwards) involved
inspirational and thoughtful, from my Scout group were awesome
demonstrating the and I can honestly say the night was
College’s key virtues of one of the most horrendous and
empathy, charity and rewarding activities I have done for
ambition. Knowing Mia I
am not surprised that she a long time.”
had interpreted this
challenge in this selfless
Mrs Taylor, Deputy Principal.
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