Page 9 - Summer 2020 Echo final draft lower res
P. 9
helping the Community embracing Character
educationDuring the present crisis, Year 7 student, Molly, decided to
take it upon herself to provide practical support for her local
community. Pastoral leader of Years 9 and 10,
She volunteered to offer her services to help the elderly to Mr Kibler, challenged his year groups to
stay well. Molly helped by delivering 200 leaflets to homes in send him a piece of work they are proud
the area which contained information and services available of and Year 10 student, hugh, combined
for people to access during the pandemic. Molly made sure his thoughts on lockdown and the
she wore gloves and kept a social distance from anyone but College’s development of key virtues,
also managed to chat to quite a few people and help which we hope that our students would
brighten up their day! imbue in our Character education
gill Taylor, Deputy Principal said, programme.
“I am delighted and proud that Interpreting ‘Courage’ hugh decided to
Molly decided to do something “learn how to
practical in order to support the make a 'roux'
elderly and demonstrated the sauce and
key virtues of ‘charity and cauliflower cheese
courage’, which are important for my family. We
at the College, by her selfless all had the
actions.” courage to eat it!!”
Character Education 7
Sisters Run Marathon for Charity
Year 12 student, Poppy Vernon, and her sixteen year old sister, hazel, have run a marathon
during lockdown. The two teenage sisters completed the feat by running one mile every
hour for 26 hours in order to raise money for Tommy's, the baby charity.
Poppy, said, “During the lockdown, hazel and I have been trying to stay fit and entertain
ourselves without falling into the trap of watching too much TV or getting stuck indoors.
Poppy and hazel did the miles throughout the day and night and were well supported by
local people, “We couldn’t believe how many people came out, cheered or beeped their
horns each time we ran past them.” Said hazel, "We had people give us donations, snacks
and even two little girls that made a banner too! We ended the run in Youldon Way and
were amazed when a small (socially distanced) crowd were there to congratulate us!”
Additional donations can be made by going to Poppy and hazel’s ‘Just giving’ page:
‘Art in heaven’
Year 7 student, edward Watts, has written a beautiful piece of Spirited Arts College work. The picture that he
took of the College with the rainbow (on the cover of this edition), his poem and personal experience of the
lockdown have been thought as outstanding by many at the College.
edward said, “I was inspired to write this poem after seeing a rainbow from my window the other day and after
having felt so fed up with being unable to go out and see my friends freely. Also, my Mum shared a quote with
me from the Bible and it struck a chord with how I was feeling.
“Now these three remain: faith, hope and love – but the greatest of these is love.” And this is the quote that I
feel fits well with my work.
The title I chose is ‘Rainbow’ because this is my idea of inspirational hope and it is the Christian symbol of hope
from the story of Noah and the impact of the whole Covid-19 virus on everyone feels like
we have been through long days of a terrible flood of illness and now we can just make
out the rainbow on the other side. This work has helped me to realise things will get better.
If you look carefully at the photo I took, you will see I managed to get the College into the
background and at the end of the rainbow, and I am really looking forward to being back
there because that will mark the end of this lockdown and the start of a return to
Mrs Taylor, Deputy Principal said,”It was a truly inspirational and moving piece of writing ,
written by a Year 7 student after he had seen a rainbow from his window which in itself is a
very emotive symbol during lockdown, we are very proud of his response to this.”
To read edward’s poem please visit -