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Teaching and Learning

        “  Ivybridge Community          Ivybridge learners follow a broad and ambitious curriculum, enabling them to
           College aims to provide      build new knowledge and skills for future successes on their learning journey.

           an integrated,               The curriculum embraces creativity alongside a mix of more traditional
           comprehensive                subjects, blended with a rich and diverse programme of personal

           curriculum in an             development and  enrichment. We place a high value on spiritual, moral,
           environment where the        cultural, mental and physical development.

           whole learning               Our students are encouraged and challenged through a wide range of
           experience is one of         extra-curricular activities, which cater for all students’ individual needs and

           Opportunity, Endeavour,      interests, regardless of ability or age. Throughout their time at the College, this
           Achievement and              rich set of experiences allows students to flourish, developing the knowledge

           Excellence. ”                and skills needed to take advantage of opportunities and responsibilities in
                                        later life.

                            CONDUCT                                                          EFFORT

                            • Treat Everyone with                                            •  100% Effort
                              Respect                                                           Everyday

                            • Take Responsibility                                            •  No Shortcuts to
                            • Calm and Purposeful
                                                                                             •  Be Your Best
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