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Ivybridge provides a broad and
balanced curriculum that is
knowledge-rich, well sequenced
and personalised; it is ambitious
for all learners and our aim is to
provide cultural capital and
prepare students effectively for
the next stage of education,
employment or training. The
Ivybridge Learning Strategy
places quality first teaching at the
heart of the College and gives
learners consistent challenge,
provides high expectations for all
and ensures strong outcomes.
Learners at Ivybridge Community College commit to Achievement comes in many
100% Effort in creating a learning environment where forms at the College, including
Excellence in behaviour is at the heart of productive pursuing academic and
learning. Everyone is expected to take Pride and enrichment opportunities, and is
maintain the highest standards of personal Conduct, valued by learners, staff, parents
have a positive Attitude and to accept responsibility for and the wider community.
their behaviour and encourage others to do the same.
Excellence Achievement