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The Ivybridge Way
Every Child
We take a positive approach to the
cultivation of Character Education
Ivybridge Community College works beyond and believe that personal traits such
the expected, providing an exemplary wide as Honesty, Respect, Charity,
and rich set of opportunities for all learners to Empathy and Tolerance, are some of
develop their talents, interest and future self. the key virtues in helping to develop
We champion each and every learner a good character. Students are
ensuring equal access to high-quality made aware of the benefits these
education. Everyone is expected to advance bring not only to themselves, but to
through the equality of opportunity, our community as a whole.
celebrating an inclusive environment that Therefore, this will enable our students
supports all young people. Ivybridge promotes to behave with integrity and provide
a strong and safe culture of safeguarding.
them with the qualities they need to
flourish in today’s society.
Opportunity Endeavour