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Year 7
Our main focus in Year 7 is that students settle in to learning at Ivybridge, work hard
and apply themselves fully in all lessons and tasks. Student progress is monitored by
teachers throughout the year using a range of strategies. In line with this, we have
chosen to report exclusively on Conduct, Effort and Independent Learning.
In 2017, the government introduced new, tougher GCSEs.
The GCSEs are graded on a scale from 9-1: Grade 9 being the highest, Grade 1
being the lowest.
The College also offers some vocational options at Level 2 (GCSE equivalent) and
these are typically graded using Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*.
New grading structure Previous grading
7 A
5 and above = top of C and above B
STANDARD PASS C From Years 8 to 11, teachers give
4 4 and above = bottom of C and above Predicted Grades using the new GCSE
grades. These are informed by in-class
3 D tests, assessed tasks, home learning and
2 E teacher assessment.
F A chart comparing the previous letter
1 G grades, which you may be more familiar
with against the new number grades, is
U U shown for your information.