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Years 8 and 9
Students are issued with Whole Grade Indicators in March and July. These are using
the GCSE 9 – 1 grading system and are early indications of what we might expect
students to achieve at the end of Year 11 if they continue to engage fully with their
studies and make progress in line with national expectation.
Understanding the Whole Grade:
If, for example, a student is awarded a 4 then we would expect them to achieve a
grade 3, 4 or 5 at GCSE, with 4 being the most likely at this stage.
Years 10 and 11
In Years 10 and 11, at each assessment point, students will be issued with a Fine
Grade Prediction for each subject. This is based on the teacher’s professional
judgement and is a prediction of what we think a student can achieve at the end
of Year 11 if they continue to engage well in their learning and make progress in
line with national expectations.
Numbers are Fine Graded for extra
clarity, for example:
7+ A grade 7 but potential for an 8
7 A solid grade 7
7- A weak 7 which without consistent
effort could drop to a 6
If a student is studying a vocational
subject, they are awarded Pass, Merit,
Distinction or Distinction* grades.
These are Fine Graded for extra clarity,
for example:
M+ A Merit but potential for a Distinction
M A solid Merit
M- A weak Merit which without
consistent effort could drop to a Pass.