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        “ Good behaviour is              High Standards and Expectations at the College underpin our key
                                         focus of providing high quality Teaching and Learning in the classroom
          fundamental to every           and embedding a positive community culture.
          outcome we value in            Our Standards and Expectations support our continued College priorities,
          education: academic            our PACE approach and The Ivybridge Way.
          outcomes, social skills,       National Picture
          employability,                 Ofsted (2014) reported that children were losing up to an hour a day of
          citizenship, creativity,       teaching because of a damaging culture of low-level disruption and
          critical thinking, and         disrespect in schools.  Similarly, teachers who participated in the review,
                                         also estimated that pupils were losing up to an hour every day – because
          more. Teachers and
                                         of indiscipline.
          leaders can make a
                                         Exley (2014), also reported that:
          huge difference by             ‘Nationally pupils are missing out on 38 days of teaching each year due
          creating fantastic             to low-level disruptive behaviour in the classroom.’
          cultures in their rooms        Intervening years has seen a real drive nationally on eradicating low
          and schools where              level disruption in classrooms with Ofsted ensuring the Common
                                         Inspection Framework (CIF) places a sharp focus on ‘Behaviour and
          learning, civility, and
                                         Attitudes’, and the Government appointing Tom Bennett as a
          community are
                                         Behaviour Tsar in 2015. Bennett (2017) believes that:
                    ”                    ‘Behaviour in school is inseparable from academic achievement, safety,
                                         welfare and well-being, and all other aspects of learning’.

                           CONDUCT                                                        EFFORT

                          Classroom                                                       Classroom
                          • Follow staff instructions                                     • No opt out
                             first time                                                   • Respect others and

                          Out of Class                                                      the environment
                          • Follow staff instructions                                     Out of Class
                             first time
                                                                                          • Respect others and
                                                                                            the environment
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