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Standards and Expectations in                                        Teacher guidelines

        Ivybridge Sixth Form PACE6                                         Your Subjects

        In the Sixth Form, we adapt our College PACE policy to reflect the  If students are not completing home
        maturity expected of the young adults who choose to continue       learning/independent learning or
        their study with us.  The PACE6 policy is designed to be supportive  engaging in lessons as expected, this
        and help students to develop their skills as independent, proactive  should be adressed quickly.
        learners who are preparing for life beyond the Sixth Form and      First occurrence – discussion with
        ultimately, the work place. We therefore have a number of support  teacher.
        mechanisms in place for students and a system of Formal Warnings   Second occurrence – discussion with
        for those who fail to meet our expectations.                       teacher and teacher call home.
        Your Subjects                                                      Third occurrence – involvement of HoD,
                                                                           CFC6 completed and student referred
        Students are expected to engage fully with their studies and       to specific study sessions for a defined
        complete all the work that is expected of them, by the given       period of time, chosen by the teacher
        deadline.  It is also expected that they complete 15 - 20 hours of  and HoD and agreed with student and
        independent study outside of lessons per week.  Teachers are       Director of Sixth Form.
        expected to help guide students to suitable activities.
                                                                           Failure to attend study blocks will then
        If students fail to meet the expectations of their teachers, they  lead to a Formal Warning.
        will be referred to attend specific timetabled study sessions for a
        defined period of time.  These are intended to help them catch up  Your Attendance
        on and keep up with the workload.                                  If students are not attending your
                                                                           lessons but are in College, Alert 6 must
        Your Attendance                                                    be notified immediately for
        Students are expected to attend Tutor Time every morning and       Safeguarding purposes.
        attend all of their lessons including CPSHE and timetabled study   If students are not attending lessons but
        blocks.  Unforeseen absences must be reported through the          are in College, this should be addressed
        College Absence Hotline each morning.  Foreseen absences           by the subject teacher.
        should be requested using the Absence Request Form.                First occurrence – discussion with
        If a student’s attendance becomes a concern, they will be required  teacher.
        to go on to an Attendance Log to support them in attending         Second occurrence – discussion with
        College.                                                           teacher and teacher calls home.
        Lateness to Tutor Time will not be tolerated and they may be       Third occurrence – involvement of HoD,
        required to go on to a Lateness Log to support them in improving their  CFC6 completed and student referred
        time keeping.                                                      to Personal Development and Welfare
                                                                           Leader for an Attendance Log.
        Formal Warnings                                                    Further failure to attend lessons will then
        Ivybridge Sixth Form has high expectations in terms of:            lead to referral to the Director of Sixth
            Pride in Presentation                                          Form, an Attendance Log and Formal
            Attitude                                                       Warnings if this is failed.
            Conduct                                                        Overall attendance is also monitored
            Effort                                                         by the Sixth Form Team.
                                                                           If a student’s overall attendance
        We expect that all students in Ivybridge Sixth Form:
                                                                           becomes a concern, this is followed up
         P    Meet the requirements of the College Dress Code.             fortnightly by the Tutor in the first
              Respect and take pride in the College learning environment.  instance, and then an Attendance Log
                                                                           is used if the problem persists.
         A    Respect the vision and ethos of the College: The Ivybridge Way.  Failure to improve attendance will then
              Are always respectful towards staff, fellow students and resources.  lead to a referral to the Director of Sixth
              Support the Virtues of Ivybridge; Courage, Honesty,
              Authenticity, Respect, Ambition, Charity, Tolerance, Empathy and  Form, a further Attendance Log and
              Resilience.                                                  Formal Warnings if this failed.  Please
                                                                           refer to the Sixth Form Attendance
         C    Conduct themselves in a safe manner in College, including    Policy for further information.
              e-safety, alcohol, possession or supply of drugs, smoking/
              vaping, offensive weapons, driving/parking on the College site.  Other circumstances
              Abide by the College Mobile Phone Policy.                    De-merits can also be given for
              Agree to not bring the College, its staff and students into   • Lateness to lessons.
              disrepute via social media or other online platforms.        • Failure to meet the Dress Code,

         E    Meet the expectations of all teachers in and out of lessons.   including wearing their lanyard.
              Engage with the support mechanisms put in place in terms
              of attendance and/or work within subject areas.              A CFC6 should be completed on any
        Failure to meet expectations will lead to Formal Warnings being issued.  other isolated occasions where students
        Formal Warnings may also be accompanied by a further consequence,  are failing to meet College PACE6
        such as a Fixed Term Exclusion when necessary and appropriate.        Expectations.
        Three Formal Warnings would lead to a meeting with the student and their  Please discuss this with your HoD before
                                                                           issuing the CFC6.
        parents/carers to discuss the student’s future at Ivybridge Sixth Form.
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