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Home College Agreement
This is a copy of Ivybridge Community College’s Home College Agreement that all students and
parents/carers have agreed to support in order to fulfil their educational needs.
Student Agreement Parent/Carer Agreement
Home College Agreement Home College Agreement
The Home College Agreement is an important part The Home College Agreement is an integral part
of our College approach to establish a genuine of our College’s approach to establish a genuine
partnership between the College, parents/carers partnership between the College, parents/carers
and students. and students.
The Agreement is to clarify the Standards and The Agreement is to clarify the Expectations that
Expectations that the College has of our students, the College has of our parents/carers in support of
the College. This support will allow your child to
to enable all students to be a positive member of contribute towards a safe, responsible, respectful
our College Community and, in doing so, and effective learning environment, enabling your
contribute towards a safe, responsible, respectful child to be a positive member of our College
and effective learning environment. Community.
The College Behaviour Policy is available on the The College Behaviour Policy is available on the
College website. College website.
As a student of Ivybridge Community College I will As a parent/carer of a student at Ivybridge
commit fully to the life of the College and actively Community College I/we will commit fully to the
support the wellbeing of others by following the life of the College and actively support the
College’s PACE expectations. wellbeing of my/our child by following the
College’s PACE expectations.
P Pride in Presentation Pride in Presentation
• I will arrive to College, Tutor and lessons on time • I/We will make certain that my/our child attends
• I will be organised bringing the correct College every day, except in cases of genuine
equipment to College each day (Super 7) illness or another legitimate reason. I/We will
• I will always wear my College uniform correctly endeavour to schedule routine doctor and
and smartly every day to, from and in College, dentist appointments outside of College hours.
and take pride in my appearance adhering to If my/our child is absent, I/we will telephone the
the College expectations in relation to jewellery, College before 9.00am on the day of the
make-up and hairstyle absence to report the reason
• I will take pride in my work and present it to the • I/We will not plan for family holidays, or other
best of my ability. absences during term time. I/We accept that
the College will refer any unauthorised absence
of this nature to the Educational Welfare Officer,
which may result in the issuing of a fixed penalty
• I/We will ensure that my/our child arrives on time
for College. Where there is a genuine reason,
I/we will inform the College using the correct
channels of communication
• I/We will make sure my/our child wears the full
College uniform both to and from College each
day and adheres to the College expectations
in relation to jewellery, make-up and hairstyle
• I/We will ensure that my/our child is provided
with the correct equipment for learning (Super 7)
and a suitable bag to keep their College work
neat and tidy.
A Attitude to Learning Attitude to Learning
• I respect the vision and ethos of the College: • I/We will respect the vision and ethos of the
The Ivybridge Way College: The Ivybridge Way
• I support the College PACE approach. This • I/We will support the College PACE approach.
includes accepting the use of rewards and This includes the use of rewards and sanctions to
sanctions to support me meeting the acknowledge and address the College’s high
College’s high standards and expectations
standards and expectations
• I will support the Virtues of Ivybridge: Courage, • I/We will support the College staff,
Honesty, Authenticity, Respect, Ambition, communicating with mutual respect in order to
Charity, Tolerance, Empathy and Resilience and
in doing so I will develop as an individual during support my/our child’s progress.
8 my journey at Ivybridge Community College.