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College Uniform/Code of Dress
The College reserves the right to make the final decision on what is and what is not acceptable.
Ivybridge Community College takes pride in the professional Jewellery
appearance and dress of our students. It is a College
requirement that all our students wear the full College uniform Jewellery is not permitted, except for
correctly at all times. Parent/carer and student co-operation is one small silver/gold stud earring in each
essential if we are to maintain this high standard. lower ear lobe and a watch. No other
piercings are permitted. No other
Students arriving at College inappropriately dressed or not jewellery is permitted in the interest of
meeting the expected College standards and expectations will safety for all students.
be dealt with in accordance with College policy. Students are All jewellery/piercings must be removed
expected to meet the Code of Dress at all times and take pride for all Physical Education activities for
in the wearing of the College uniform both to and from College Health and Safety reasons (including
and throughout the College day. new piercings). Wearing tape over
piercings is not permitted for Physical
Any adjustment to the Code of Dress is at the discretion of the Education activities.
Senior Leadership Team where upon parents/carers and
students will be informed accordingly. Make-up
Take pride in being part of The Ivybridge Way. Years 9 to 11 only students are permitted
to wear subtle and natural looking
College Uniform make-up.
Skin make-up will not be considered as
1. Navy blue College blazer with College badge subtle if it leaves a mark on clothing such
2. Lanyards and identification cards to be worn at all times as the shirt sleeve or collar. No nail
(except in subject specific areas e.g. PE) varnish, false nails including acrylics and
3. Standard tartan patterned College skirt, worn at no more false eyelashes are allowed.
than 4cms above the knee
4. College tie (worn with a minimum of 5 stripes showing) Hairstyle
5. Navy blue knitted jumper with embroidered College badge Hairstyles must be well groomed, neat
(optional) and of a natural colour. Extreme forms
6. Grey, formal trousers, e.g. polyester mix; NOT cord, brushed of hairstyles are not permitted and
denim, jeans, chinos (black is not permitted) extreme fashions must be avoided i.e.
7. White shirt/blouse which buttons up to the neck tramlines or mullets. Permitted – smart
8. Plain black, grey, navy or white socks, not over the knee or below haircuts include short back and sides
with a fade (minimum grade 3 on the
the ankle, (sports socks are not permitted), black coloured tights top). Skin fade is permitted as long as it
9. Sensible, black, formal, flat shoes (leather or patent shoes is not a skin fade to a shaved finish. Use
that can be polished only and not leather trainers e.g. of hair dye to achieve an unnatural two
Converse/Vans – no boots, canvas shoes, trainers. toned or bleached look is not permitted
Branded items with logos should not be worn; this includes i.e. balayage, dip dye or extreme
clothing (e.g. hoodies), footwear or accessories (such as belts). colours.
Indoor Wear
PE Kit for ALL Students
Students are not permitted to wear
Essential: outdoor coats and accessories including
•Navy blue sports top with embroidered College badge hats and/or scarves indoors.
•Navy blue shorts, skort, plain leggings or plain blue
tracksuit trousers Outdoor Wear
•Navy blue Ivybridge sports socks and white sports socks Outdoor coats should be predominantly
•Trainers one colour. They should be plain in style
•Rounded moulded studs (no trainers, no blades, no metal studs) and not made from denim or leather.
for accessing the all-weather pitch Coats may be worn as an additional
•Shin pads are compulsory for Football item of clothing to and from College but
•Gum shields are compulsory for Rugby not instead of the College blazer.
Optional extras: Hoodies are not permitted as outdoor
•College multi sports top, College fleece, College track top coats or as additional layers under their
•Dance kit is specific attire for GCSE Dance only. blazer.
Protective Clothing for ALL Students Variations will not be acceptable and no
• Design Technology: white or natural apron extremes of fashion, hair or dress are
• Food and Nutrition: clean, hygienic apron allowed.
• Art: some protective clothing advisable Please note that all items of College uniform,
including PE kit, are available from
Lawsons of Ivybridge and Trutex Schoolwear
and More, Sugar Mill Retail Park, Plymouth.