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Sixth Form Learning Agreement
Formal Warnings
Ivybridge Sixth Form has high expectations in terms of:
Pride in Presentation Attitude Conduct Effort
We expect that all students in Ivybridge Sixth Form:
P Meet the requirements of the College Dress Code.
Respect and take pride in the College learning environment.
Respect the vision and ethos of the College: The Ivybridge Way.
Are always respectful towards staff, fellow students and resources.
Support the Virtues of Ivybridge; Courage, Honesty, Authenticity, Respect,
Ambition, Charity, Tolerance, Empathy and Resilience and in doing so will
develop as an individual during their journey at Ivybridge Sixth Form.
Conduct themselves in a safe manner in College, including e-Safety,
alcohol, possession or supply of drugs, smoking/vaping, offensive
weapons, driving/parking on the College site.
Abide by the College Mobile Phone Policy.
Agree to not bring the College, its staff and students into disrepute via
social media or other online platforms.
Meet the expectations of all teachers in and out of lessons.
Engage with the support mechanisms put in place in terms of
attendance and/or work within subject areas.
Failure to meet expectations will lead to Formal Warnings being issued. Formal
Warnings may also be accompanied by a further consequence, such as a Fixed
Term Exclusion when necessary and appropriate. Three Formal Warnings would
lead to a meeting with the student and their parents/carers to discuss the student’s
future at Ivybridge Sixth Form.