Page 5 - Assessment leaflet revised Jan 2019
P. 5

Progress at Key Stage 4

  From Year 9 onwards, students are in Key Stage 4 and working towards
  their GCSEs.
All subjects have moved onto specifications where students are graded using the
new Number system (9-1) as opposed to the old Grade system (A*-G).

 Students will be issued with an Estimated    Current    Previous
 Grade (Number) for each subject, based       grading    grading
 upon their Key Stage 2 data. Estimated       structure  structure
 Grades may change during your child’s
 time at Ivybridge Community College as            9         A*
 they are based on national data sets and          8
 are updated periodically.                         7         A
 At each assessment point, students will be        5         B
 issued with a Fine Grade Prediction for           4         C
 each subject. This is based on the teachers       3
 professional judgement and is a Prediction        2         D
 of what we think a student can achieve at         1         E
 the end of Year 11 if they continue to            U         F
 engage well in their learning and make                      G
 progress in line with national                              U

There is no direct comparison between the
old Letter grades and the new Number
Ofqual have issued the following
information for guidance.
   1   2   3   4   5   6