Page 2 - Autumn 2018 Echo AVE
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Welcome to Ivybridge Community College

College News         1-8
Religious education              As the first term of this academic year closes, students and staff alike are
                       9 thinking ahead to spending quality time with their family and friends.
                                 therefore, I wanted to share with you the vast array of enrichment

                      10 opportunities available within the daily lives of our students.

english                     11  this is the first year we have incorporated discrete CPShe lessons within the
                                curriculum, with a particular focus on the well-being and health of our
geography                   12  students. Whilst it is well known that helping others has a positive impact on
                                not only the recipient’s life, but also provides a personal sense of
history                     13  well-being. Consequently our many charity events are highlighted within
                                this edition and I am proud to share with you the excellent work of our
human Science        14 -15     students.

Creative Arts        16 -17     therefore, it was a real privilege to host our local MP, gary Streeter, who
                                had invited our students to discuss with him, his presentation to Parliament
Design technology           18  regarding the green Paper based upon children’s mental health provision.

Modern Foreign languages 19     We marked the centenary of the end of the First World War with solemnity
                                and pride, giving thanks to those who had sacrificed their lives to ensure
Performing Arts      20 - 22    we have a safer and democratic society today. Consequently, our
                                College held a service which included our inaugural Forces Parade,
Sport                23 - 26    undertaken by our very own students, which was extremely moving for all
                                our community, as well as participating in Ivybridge’s annual
BteC                        27  Remembrance Sunday Service. Whilst a wealth of art installations were
                                displayed and individual Year assemblies were led by the history
Sixth Form                  28  Department.

For more information go to      Finally, I wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year, and I look
our website:                    forward to our students’ return on Monday, 7 January 2019.

                                Rachel Hutchinson, Principal

the College echo - Autumn 2018 -
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