Page 5 - Autumn 2018 Echo AVE
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Principal’s Commendation lunch
It was fantastic to see that so many Year 8 students had
endeavoured to achieve the Principal’s Commendation for over 300 Good
Notes in Year 7. Students tucked into sandwiches and cakes while
discussing their favourite subjects, and their ‘top tips’ for gaining Praise
Points in Year 8 with the Principal.
the students represent the very best in Year 8, with achieving their good
Notes for homework, extra-curricular involvement, and conduct around the
College, as well as effort in lessons.
Congratulations to all those that have achieved over 300 good Notes in
Year 7, and good luck in your journey to surpass these totals in Year 8.
Students’ Achievements Celebrated
at Annual Awards evening
At the start of the term, we held our annual Awards Evening, which celebrates Endeavour, Performing
Arts and Sport and Academic Achievement at GCSE and A Level.
the event was a recognition of the students’ examination successes in this year’s public qualifications.
Over 250 students were invited and musical interludes were performed by an array of students.
these included:
•“Rag ‘n’ Bone Man Medley” performed by the Performing Arts ensemble,
•“Skyfall” by Adele, performed by the Big Band, News 3
•“Blue Moon” by lorenz hart and Richard Rodgers, performed by Saxsequential,
•“this is Me” from the greatest Showman,
performed by the Musical theatre group.
We were very privileged and delighted to have as
our honorary guest, lee Spencer, known as the
Rowing Marine.
his heartfelt and inspirational talk captivated the
audience – both students and parents alike. his
motivational speech was directed to our students and
he expressed the requirement of perseverance and true
grit, as well as learning from your failures, if you are to
succeed in life.
‘Re-start a heart’ Day
Tuesday, 16 October saw staff and students at the College fully
involved in ‘Re-start’ a Heart Day’. Medical students visited for the
day and trained students from each year group in first aid training as
part of a national drive to improve lifesaving skills and engage
young people in learning about resuscitation and other first aid skills.
helen Ryder, head of human Sciences, organised the day and said,
“this is a fantastic national initiative – last year almost 200,000 young
people learned first aid in one day – and I am delighted that our
students are taking part. there is a serious message in terms of
lifesaving but this is also about making first aid fun and accessible.”
Promoting Sustainability across the College
We are part of the College’s ‘Sustainability Group’ and our group aims to encourage recycling and promote
sustainability across the College. Mr Paskin and Mr guy are the teachers in charge of the group and we meet
every Wednesday lunchtime in D2.02 (Mr guy’s room) and discuss how we can reduce waste. As a group, we
aim to install paper and plastic recycling and water fountains around College. Already, in the Science
department, we have trialled pen, paper and plastic recycling and wish to spread this across the rest of the
College. We have recently had an assembly for Year 7 and they are working to raise money for the group to
carry out our plans. Also, we had a meeting with Mrs hutchinson and Mrs taylor to talk about our ideas and
they are both keen to help us! In the Dining hall alone, around 800 plastic bottles are sold every day and
without the proper recycling facilities, these will continue to go to landfill; we aim to change this.
If you’re interested in joining our group, please feel free to drop in, it’s open to all years!
By Mel Beaumont and harry Montgomery, Year 13