Page 15 - Issue No. 80 Summer 2019
P. 15

Human Science 13

Interactive Workshop supports Student Self-Esteem

In June we were delighted to welcome the Solomon Theatre Company with their production of 'Gemma's
Wardrobe'. This play, and an interactive workshop, was aimed at supporting Year 9 students as they
approach issues of self-esteem, effective communication in different relationships via different social media,
and the development of good judgement, together with exploring the implications of the misuse of drugs.
The students observed Gemma’s journey, and in doing so learn to discern between supportive and destructive
relationships. During the workshops the students experienced a range of drama-based activities which
extended and developed the themes raised in the show, including identifying key factors that impact on their
own self-esteem.
Year 9 student Evie Fairclough, said, “I think the assembly made a lot of people take a second look on
themselves and wonder ‘am I putting peer pressure on someone or caving in to it myself?’ And I think it helped
people to think about each other that little bit more.” Katie Pitcher, also in Year 9, said “The interactive
element was very interesting because it made the students question themselves and how they acted; whether
or not what they did every day negatively affected others.”

Positive support to stay                         The ‘Egg Parent Project’
              Safe, Strong
              and Free                           As part of their examination topic on ‘Human Lifespan and
                                                 Development’, Year10 Health and Social Care students have
CAP UK – the Child Assault Prevention group      started to explore the different stages people pass through
visited students in Year 8 and helped them       during the course of their life, the first of which is infancy.
learn about healthy and unhealthy                To introduce this topic, students have been given the
relationships. Each Tutor Group had a 3          ‘Egg Parent Project’.
hour session with the specialised CAP staff.     This project explores the
This is a programme that offers education,       development of an infant
guidance and support by giving students          (age 0-2). It will require the
positive messages on how they can protect        students to design and
themselves. The workshops provide students       name their egg baby, look
with the ability to recognise unsafe situations  after their egg baby 24/7
and the confidence to act on them so that        and create a baby book
they can stay safe, strong and free. Last        to document their egg
year a Year 8 student commented that the         baby’s development
sessions made her “feel strong and               between the ages of 0-2
confident to act should she need to in the       years.
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