Page 10 - Issue No. 80 Summer 2019
P. 10

8 Science

Pyromania!                                                          Marine Biology visit

In May, the College hosted the “Ogden Physics Event”. Five          In June, students and members of the
schools in the South Devon area each host an event for invited      College’s Sustainability Group visited the
Year 10 students. We were delighted to welcome Dr Roy Lowry         Marine Biological Association to meet
from Plymouth University (current holder of the Guinness World      students from Niceville High, in Florida.
Record for most firework rockets launched in 5 seconds – 55,000!).  Together they looked and searched for a
This year the event teamed up with the Chemistry Department to      range of wildlife under microscopes, and
concentrate on the Physics of Fire.                                 then had to identify the species.
The students watched the demonstrations and then were split         The students then attended a talk about the
into hands-on workshops dealing with Emission Spectra,              North West Florida NaGISA Programme
Activation Energy, and Convection through exciting practical        (an international collaborative effort aimed
work.                                                               at inventorying, cataloguing, and monitoring
Emily Slaughter, Year 10 student, said, “During my time in Year 10  the biodiversity of in-shore areas), where they
I have been lucky enough to participate in several Ogden            discovered how vital information about the
Physics events and learn about useful real life topics, but in a    oceans is collected. They also found out how
cool, fun way. However, the best event was this ‘Pyromania’ one     they travelled all over the world to find out
at my own College. Dr Roy Lowry showed us many experiments          about different ocean life. The students were
demonstrating how interesting fire is with a variety of mixtures,   then taught how to survey their own
elements and compounds. It was really intriguing because we         beaches. It was an incredible experience
could get involved. It was amazing and a great experience. I        that they will never forget. The students learnt
highly recommend participation in these awesome activities!”        how important it is to take care of their
                                                                    oceans, beaches and the wildlife there.
Medical Mavericks

Also in May, a group of budding Year 10 scientists
participated in another of the spectacular Ogden Physics
Events. This time it was hosted in a Plymouth school and
was entitled ‘Medical Mavericks’. Jasmine Clark, a Year
10 student said, “We had a chance to use high-end
medical equipment, such as an ultrasound scanner
(which we placed on our radial bone to see if we were
still growing) and key-hole surgery instruments. We also
got to perform an electrocardiograph on each other. As
well as this, we used every day medical tools to measure
and record our height, temperature, pulse, and blood
pressure and oxygen saturation levels. Some of us also
took part in using a dummy arm and a needle to draw
blood from a vein.”

The College Echo - Summer 2019 -
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