Page 7 - Issue No. 80 Summer 2019
P. 7

Improving the College Environment

A small area of grass at the front of the College is being transformed, all thanks to
the efforts of the College’s Sustainability Club. Year 7 student, Jasmine writes,
“Recently the Sustainability Club dug up a small patch of turf in the shape of the
College logo by the Millennium Reception. Members of the Thursday lunchtime
Sustainability Club sowed a wide variety of wild flowers in this area, and we are
pleased to say that they have now started to grow. We have also been working in
the polytunnel; planting herbs, beans and courgettes, visiting regularly to top up the
soil and water the plants. Next year we are hoping to make more changes to the
College in order to reduce our environmental impact and increase biodiversity.”

As many of you are aware, the College Sustainability Group has been working to improve the immediate
College environment whilst raising awareness of the climate and ecological crises facing our planet.
In order to continue to help us tackle these issues, we are asking for a little bit of help with providing
the following - Wood – old or new • Topsoil/compost/manure • Seeds/Plants – particularly
wildflowers, fruit and vegetables • Gardening gloves and tools (especially children-sized) •
Contacts in the local community. But mostly – your time (limited though it is we know). The more
people acting for change, the faster it will come. If you have a related interest, it would be hugely
beneficial to the students to hear a range of voices and viewpoints. This could be a one off session
or a more prolonged working relationship. If you can offer any of the above, or you have some
ideas that you would like to see happen, please contact - or

“Don’t miss out on the                                        Harry’s Patch             News                         5
summer of a lifetime!”

In April, Year 11 students held an                            On Thursday, 6 June, the 75th Anniversary of
assembly to promote the                                       D-Day's Operation Overlord, a Service of
National Citizen Service. This                                Remembrance was held at ‘Harry's Patch’, in
takes place during the summer                                 Ivybridge, to remember all those who have laid
holidays over a 4 week period.                                down their lives in combat to secure democracy.
This incredible opportunity is                                The Remembrance Day garden had been
made up of 4 phases -                                         refurbished last year, following a competition held
Adventure, Discovery, Make a                                  by the Design Technology Department, where
difference project and a                                      students at Ivybridge Community College were
Celebration. Students who                                     invited to design something fitting for the location.
participate will work in teams of 15, joining with other      Among the winning designers were Year 9
students from 10 other schools in Devon.                      students Anna Lake and Jenny Pitcher who
                                                              represented the College at the service,
                                                              accompanied by Mrs Garlick and Mrs English from
                                                              the Design Technology Department. Mrs Garlick
                                                              wore her father’s medals including the Légion
                                                              d'Honneur which is the highest Order of France
                                                              awarded to surviving veterans from D-Day.

Students gain insight from
Fire Officer Presentations

During the month of April, Fire Officers from Devon Fire
and Rescue visited Ivybridge Community College to talk
to Year 7 and Year 10 students.
The Year 7 students learnt about the danger of fire, with
real-life cases being studied and advice of what to do in
certain situations. Whilst the Year 10 students learnt about
road safety, and the dangers of not wearing a seat belt
or travelling too fast, and were given advice on how to
cope in certain situations.
The messages were powerful as the Fire Officers can
speak from both a personal and also a local perspective.
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