Page 8 - Issue No. 80 Summer 2019
P. 8

World Class Schools

                                                                                     In June, students from the College travelled to
                                                                                     London to meet students and staff from The Charter
                                                                                     School, North Dulwich. This unique opportunity was
                                                                                     part of our World Class School’s work.
                                                                                     Whilst at our partner school we spent a day
                                                                                     assessing the qualities and characteristics of World
                                                                                     Class students.
                                                                                     Students from our College found this a fantastic
                                                                                     opportunity to experience life at another World
                                                                                     Class School, and although we are very different in
so many ways, there were also many commonalities, as both schools strive to maximise the potential of every
child, and are outstanding.
The College then hosted a return visit by The Charter School, where we showcased a range of World Class
School Quality Mark characteristics. As part of the re-accreditation process each partner school made a 10
minute film, in order to demonstrate the qualities of World Class students.
The Deputy Head teacher of The Charter School, Mr Williams, said of his visit to Ivybridge Community College,
“You have a wonderful College of which your staff and students should be proud. We
particularly liked the lessons we saw and how passionately the students spoke about the
mentoring, their work with the police and the cardboard boat race! I look forward to
working on an exchange trip next summer.”

6 News                                                       Head of Depart-

College achieves Anti-Bullying Award

The Anti-bullying Ambassador team are proud to announce that they have recently been awarded the Diana
Award Wellbeing Badge. Over the last few months the students have been working on various projects to
ensure that everyone at the College is working together to promote anti-bullying. Students have spoken in
assemblies educating others about the different types of bullying and
designing screen savers to be shown throughout the College with
information about who to contact if they need someone to turn to.
The Ambassadors are currently organising a ‘Colour Run’ to support
LGBT+ which will be held soon.
The Diana Award team were very pleased with what Ivybridge
students had achieved and said,“We were overwhelmed with how
much thought and effort you’ve put into the Wellbeing focused
anti-bullying activities. It seems like all of the activities have had a
great impact on the wellbeing of students in your school and we
really like the focus on ensuring that peer support is widely accessible.
It’s great to see that you’ve also put on some fun, whole school
events. Thank you so much for sending the video, it was an amazing
way for us to see the work in practice. Congratulations, we are
awarding you the Wellbeing Badge! What a fantastic achievement
and a true testament of your hard work as a team.”

Students discuss views in Prevent Consultation Workshop

                    In June, the College hosted a prevent consultation with a cohort of Year 10 students partaking in
                    a WRAP (Workshop to raise awareness of Prevent) session run by a Counter Terrorism Police
                    Officer, together with Prevent Regional Coordinator, Salam Katbi. Also contributing to the
                    session was university student Josh Marr who engaged the students with his in-depth knowledge
                    of the Prevent strategy.
                    The students were able to openly discuss their views
                    around the United Kingdom’s counter terrorism strategy
                    whilst unpicking general views and perceptions around
                    what terrorism looks like and who may be susceptible.
                    In all, it was an interesting and purposeful event which
                    engaged and provoked good conversations on the
                    topic. Students from the College hope to be able to
                    contribute to the regional Youth Prevent panel in due

The College Echo - Summer 2019 -
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