Page 9 - Issue No. 80 Summer 2019
P. 9
Governors’ News 7
The Governing Board at their most recent meeting (above) on Thursday, 4 April 2019
discussing the strategic College Improvement Plan, chaired by Mike Saltern.
World Book Day
Mike Saltern, Chair of the
Governing Board, once again
had the very difficult task of
judging the World Book Day
The picture shows the winning
Tutor Group dressed as
Peter Rabbit characters,
complete with carrots!
Governor Pen Portrait - Key Issue Planning
Coral Jonas
Tuesday, 30 April 2019, Mike Saltern, and
Coral is a Biomedical Science Coral Jonas, Safeguarding Governor, meeting
graduate from Plymouth University with Gill Taylor, Deputy Principal, to discuss the
with a Teaching Degree specialising in College's strategic plan for disadvantaged
Science from Kings College. She has students.
been teaching for nine years now,
with experience working in inner city
London before she moved to teach in
Devon. She is now the Head of
Education and Research at Dartmoor
Zoological Park looking after a
growing team of educators,
presenters and researchers from
universities across the country. Coral
also lectures for Duchy College and teaches further
education courses based at the zoo. Recently she
graduated with a Masters in Conservation Biology from the
University of Plymouth and published her research.