Page 12 - Autumn 2019 Echo draft v4
P. 12

10 The Learning Resource Centre

Book Voyage has lift off!

on Thursday, 17 october the learning Resource Centre launched its new
year-long reading challenge, Book Voyage! The mission of Book Voyage is
to complete every bookish challenge and travel through the darkest depths
of space to the final fictional frontier. Students who take part in this literary
expedition will earn prizes along the way, including Praise Points, sweet treats,
movie days, invitation to author visits, and the prestigious pizza party. Book
Voyage maps are available from the learning Resource Centre, and we
encourage students, staff, and parents to all get involved.

The learning Resource Author Shares Strong Themes of
Centre Make over empathy, Tolerance, and Courage

over the summer holidays the learning     In November, the College welcomed visiting author Non Pratt to the
Resource Centre was lucky enough to       learning Resource Centre. Non is the Young Adult author of the
have a remodel. This is the first major   award nominated book, Trouble. Non loves to write about teenage
work to happen in the learning            friendships and her books have strong themes of empathy,
Resource Centre in nearly 10 years.       tolerance, and courage written in an honest and emotive style.
The extension has provided a new study    Students were nominated by their english teachers for their effort
area for one-to-one intervention,         and endeavour or selected by the librarians as they have started
independent revision, or for quiet        their Book Voyage reading challenge. Non’s enthusiasm for writing
reading while overlooking gorgeous        was endless and she assured students that writing didn’t have to be
views of the Devon countryside.           difficult. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t hard work!
This remodel has also included            Non did many different workshops and talks that focused on the
relocating Reprographics to be more       importance of character and effective storytelling, asking students
central in the College. Reprographics is  to think about being more inclusive in their stories, making sure to
the best place for students to buy        include different genders, sexualities, ethnicities, and abilities.
stationery and those all-important flash  Students were asked to write a letter to their
cards, essential for home learning and    future selves and they were very keen to
working through KITe booklets.            know what they would be working as, would
                                          they be married, and even if the state of
                                          politics had changed much.
                                          Students also had the opportunity to buy
                                          signed copies of Non’s books, which is a
                                          permanent reminder of a special
                                          experience and can reinforce the
                                          message about the importance of reading.

The College echo - Autumn 2019 -
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