Page 9 - Autumn 2019 Echo draft v4
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Members of the governing Board with the Jubilee plaque, which celebrated 60 years of education
at Ivybridge Community College. earlier in the day some of the Board members also
attended the formal ceremony together with Sir gary Streeter, MP.
Governors’ News 7
Budget overview Meeting Supporting College Improvement
Mrs Ruth Yates, Parent governor; Mr Michael Saltern, In october, the governing Board and the leadership
and Mrs hester hamley, Finance and Business Team held a joint working session on the role of
Manager at the College met on Tuesday,15 october leadership and the new ofsted framework. each
2019, to discuss the budget overview and summary governor is presently linked to a specific area to
of the financial position for the forthcoming year. support College Improvement and a discussion ensued
about how this will provide robust accountability and
assurance for educational and financial performance.
Pen Portrait - Ruth Yates Awards evening 2019
Ruth grew up in Dartmouth and South Brent before The Welcome and opening Address
moving away to university and then working in was given by Mr Michael Saltern,
london. She qualified as a chartered accountant and Chair of the governing Board, at the
worked for an investment bank and Barclays in the hR College Awards evening held on
function, specialising in incentive arrangements. Tuesday, 17 September 2019.
In 2016, Ruth and her family relocated to Ivybridge.
Since then, she has been active looking after her family
and elderly parents and has also been Treasurer of
Stowford School PTA.
She believes strongly in the value of high quality
education and its role in ensuring young people have
the best opportunities to develop and succeed.