Page 14 - Autumn 2018 Echo AVE
P. 14

12 Geography                                              enrichment trip to Start Bay

Urban Issues and                                          At the end of September a group of Year 8 Geography
Challenges Investigated                                   students visited the Start Bay Field Centre near Slapton.
                                                          the weekend began with the low ropes course, a great
 Year 10 Geography students had the opportunity to        opportunity for the staff to show off their balancing skills …
 explore Devonport, which has seen a huge amount          or not. On Saturday we had a day of rivers fieldwork,
 of regeneration over the past decade, their aim          starting at the source at haytor and then visiting the river
 was to find out whether the regeneration had been        lower down at Newton Abbot. the day finished with a
 successful, environmentally speaking. the students       camp fire at the centre. On Sunday we gave Bear grylls
 visited several sites collecting data and completing     a run for his money by having a den building competition.
 an environmental quality survey. this allowed them       the weekend ended with a picnic on Slapton Sands.
 to capture their ideas about the amount of litter,
 noise and air pollution.                                  Donkey hoaty’s travels
 In the afternoon the students then visited the
 energy from Waste facility,known as the                     Donkey Hoaty has been escorting
 ‘Incinerator’. the tour included the pungent                Miss Morley on a range of exotic travels lately
 tipping hall where all the waste initially arrives,         covering three continents -
 followed by a visit to the control room, with its floor     •Straddling the equator in ecuador. South
 to ceiling windows overlooking the waste hoppers.           America
 A journey to the 9th floor then allowed the students        •Joining the band in Fez, Morocco, Africa
 a rare glimpse of the fire itself through specially         •At Saint Sophia’s Cathedral, Kiev, Ukraine,
 designed windows as it burned at over 1200◦C.               europe
 All of this work links in to the Urban Issues and
 Challenges unit within the new gCSe specification.          Q - Which one is the only country in the world
 Our study of Devonport has allowed us to look at            named after a geographical feature?
 the challenge of decline in an area, followed by
 the opportunities that come with regeneration.
 Whereas studying the energy from Waste facility
 has allowed us to see how the challenge of waste
 in an urban area can be turned around into an
 It has been really helpful for the students to be able
 to see the concepts they’ve been studying in class
 all laid out before them in real life, as well as
 helping them consider some of the wider issues
 associated with where all of our waste goes.

the College echo - Autumn 2018 -
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