Page 15 - Autumn 2018 Echo AVE
P. 15

History 13

Centenary of the end of the First World War Remembered

During the week of 5 – 9 November a series of assemblies were held for Years 7 – 11 to commemorate the end
of the First World War and to remember all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives to ensure that we have a safer
and democratic society today.
On Sunday, 11 November, students and staff alike attended Ivybridge’s Remembrance Sunday Service, not
only representing the College, but there were many other students who were present representing a range of
youth groups.
On Monday, 12 November, staff and students from Ivybridge Community College held their own
Remembrance Day Service; with all our community standing for a two minute silence. Chris Martin, the
College’s Designated Safeguarding Officer, and former serviceman, read the poem ‘For the Fallen’ and
Year 11 student, harry Davies played the last Post and the Reveille.
Also on Monday, students in both military and College uniform, visited the Ivybridge Memorial to show their
respects and to personally lay the wreath on behalf of students, staff and governors of Ivybridge Community
Whilst the Creative Arts Department have produced two Remembrance Day installations, one which is on
display in the College showing a display of poppies, and the other, at the entrance of the College, showing
one hundred ceramic poppies and a silhouette of a soldier.
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