Page 19 - Autumn 2018 Echo AVE
P. 19

Creative Arts 17

Remembering through Art  Students from Creative Arts have been working hard
                         to produce two separate works of art which have
                         been created for Remembrance Day
                         commemorations at the College. Students from
                         Years 7- 9 textiles Club have painstakingly made
                         fabric poppies for the internal installation in the
                         central corridor, composed with soldier imagery and
                         poignant quotes.
                         the second installation, sited at the front of the
                         College, is composed of handmade ceramic
                         poppies and a life size World War One soldier
                         silhouette, made by students in Year 8 and the Year 7
                         Craft Club. this was inspired by the tower of london
                         installation entitled Blood Swept lands and Seas of
                         Red which marked one hundred years since the first
                         full day of Britain's involvement in the First World War.
                         Congratulations to all students who participated in
                         these important memorials and thanks to staff in the
                         Creative Arts Department who led the projects.

Artistic Challenges at Plymouth Aquarium

The Plymouth Aquarium Art trip was designed to celebrate and reward our Year
8 Art students for their hard work, and to further challenge the students with an
exciting drawing and printmaking workshop.
Students are now taking part in weekly lunchtime workshops exploring art
textiles, mixed media, sculpture or painting in which they continue to create
some fantastic work. Well done Year 8!

GCSE Art, Textiles and Photography students from Year 9 visited
RHS Rosemoor in September to inspire a coursework module based
 on natural forms and the environment.

  the wealth of visual stimulus did not disappoint and students were
   able to make fantastic observations in their sketchbooks and
    through their photographs.

     Students recorded what they saw in a range of materials and will
      be taking inspiration from this trip to develop further work.
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