Page 25 - Autumn 2018 Echo AVE
P. 25
Sport 23
grand Opening of new triathlon Success for thomas
touchtennis Courts
Congratulations to Year 7 student,
On Friday, 29 June, the College opened their Thomas Jones, who was selected to
upgraded Tennis facilities, converting two full size compete at the Inter-Regional Junior
Triathlon Championships at Mallory
Tennis courts into eight Touchtennis courts, thanks to Park, Leicestershire, in September.
tennis Foundation funding. throughout the day
this achievement was based on his
students had the opportunity to experience
performance at the South West
touchtennis for the first time in their Pe lessons, as well Regional Championships at Bowood
as playing tennis with peers during their lunch break. house, in Wiltshire, in June, where he
the activities were all delivered by a small cohort of came sixth overall. the race involved a
tennis Ambassadors, who did a fantastic job getting 400 metre open water swim, a 9 km
everyone active and enthusiastic about tennis.
cycle followed by a 2.5 km run. he
taylor represents england competed in the 13 - 14 age category
in Fencing Championships and was consequently one of the
youngest competitors in this category.
Year 12 Student Taylor Foxwell-Moss represented
Students embark on New NCFe
England in the 2018 Commonwealth Junior and health and Fitness Course
Cadet Fencing Championships.
the event was held in Newcastle, in July, with a Students have embarked on a new Health and Fitness
total of 19 nations competing; the championships course, organised through NCFE.
comprised of Cadets (U17) and Juniors (U20) each this course will run alongside the gCSe Pe programme for
participating for 4 days in the Year 9 and 10 students.
individual and team events. the aim of the course is to equip the students with the
taylor was selected to knowledge and understanding of how the body works,
represent england at both how to train it to perform in different physical activities
Cadet and Junior level. and how to design and complete a training programme.
Winning the gold Medal and Currently the students have completed a unit looking at
2018 Commonwealth Junior the structure and function of the skeletal system. In
Championships as part of the addition, and in preparation for their unit in Year 11, they
Junior Women’s epee team, have begun a fitness training programme. As part of this
and the Silver Medal in the programme, the students have completed a number of
Cadet Women’s epee team. assessments to measure their current fitness levels. they
taylor was also individually have then taken on these scores and implemented a
placed 6th in the Cadet training programme to develop their fitness and link their
Women’s epee and 8th in the knowledge and understanding of the different body
Junior Women’s epee. systems.